
October 3, 2021

Myles Standish Bike Trip

Category: General Myles Standish Bike Trip

October 1, 2021 October 3, 2021

Fall Bike Trip. The Troop will head to Myles Standish State Forest for a fall bike trip, heading
down the night of Oct 1st and returning Oct 3rd. We’ll use Camp Squanto as our base and hit
the paths to explore Myles Standish. The forest is part of the Atlantic coastal pine barrens
ecoregion and consists largely of pitch pine and scrub oak forests—at 26 square miles (67
km2), one of the largest such forests north of Long Island. The forest surrounds 16 lakes and
ponds, including several ecologically significant coastal kettle ponds.

Myles Standish Bike Trip

Category: General Myles Standish Bike Trip

October 1, 2021 October 3, 2021

Fall Bike Trip. The Troop will head to Myles Standish State Forest for a fall bike trip, heading
down the night of Oct 1st and returning Oct 3rd. We’ll use Camp Squanto as our base and hit
the paths to explore Myles Standish. The forest is part of the Atlantic coastal pine barrens
ecoregion and consists largely of pitch pine and scrub oak forests—at 26 square miles (67
km2), one of the largest such forests north of Long Island. The forest surrounds 16 lakes and
ponds, including several ecologically significant coastal kettle ponds.

Myles Standish Bike Trip

Category: General Myles Standish Bike Trip

October 1, 2021 October 3, 2021

Fall Bike Trip. The Troop will head to Myles Standish State Forest for a fall bike trip, heading
down the night of Oct 1st and returning Oct 3rd. We’ll use Camp Squanto as our base and hit
the paths to explore Myles Standish. The forest is part of the Atlantic coastal pine barrens
ecoregion and consists largely of pitch pine and scrub oak forests—at 26 square miles (67
km2), one of the largest such forests north of Long Island. The forest surrounds 16 lakes and
ponds, including several ecologically significant coastal kettle ponds.