The March Troop hike will be an orienteering hike at Peppercorn Hill in Upton (start and finish at the Milford entrance to the park) on Saturday, March 24. This will be a great one day event with lots of scout style orienteering (and lots of fried dough too). New scouts will complete the Second Class 5 mile hike requirement plus we will complete several other Second and First Class outdoor requirements. Venture scouts will be setting up the courses the weekend before on March 17.
We will meet at St. Mary’s parish center at 9:00 AM Saturday morning and return for pick up by 5:00 PM Saturday afternoon. Scouts should bring a day pack with a compass, lunch, snacks, and plenty of water. Depending on the weather, scouts should also bring a poncho/raincoat, warm coat, gloves and a hat too. Chances are it will be wet and muddy, so boots will work better than sneakers.
If your son would like to attend, please complete the attached permission slip (Venture Scouts too for this date) and return by the March 22 troop meeting. If your son would like to attend but will not be at the troop meeting on March 22 please email Dave Kirchner before the 22nd.
We will need some drivers to/from the event. If you can drive, please note on the permission slip. We elected to car pool to/from the event because the parking lot and road at the park is small and we want to minimize the traffic impact to area for the day.
This is a great way for Venture scouts to help meet their activity and leadership requirements for advancement too!