Return of Troop Equipment: Any scout with troop camping equipment outstanding – please return by the next troop meeting.
Merit Badge Classes: for Pioneering and First Aid merit badges have been completed. Scouts completing the merit badges were presented the badges at the Court of Honor. Scouts with partial completion of the badges will be given the blue card with list of remaining requirements to complete the badge. Scouts can complete the badge on their own and meet with the merit badge counselor to finish the badge.
New Merit Badge Classes: The troop will be starting the Cycling merit badge and two more merit badges that scouts will be able to work on at troop meetings – information to be announced soon!
January Troop Winter Camping Trip: was a success! Thanks to all the parents who drove for the event. There wasn’t much snow, but we did launch our rockets (many times)!
Eagle Scout Court of Honor: Thanks to all the parents, scouts, and leaders who made the night a great success! Congratulations to Mike Fernandes on earning the Eagle Scout award!
February Winter Sports Weekend: has been cancelled. We are looking to replace the event with another sports weekend later in the year.
Order of the Arrow Elections: for this year will be at the March 1 troop meeting. Scouts who are eligible for membership will receive an information email in the next few weeks.
March Troop Hike: will be an orienteering hike at Peppercorn Hill in Upton (start and finish at the Milford entrance to the park) on Saturday, March 24. This will be a great one day event with lots of scout style orienteering (and lots of fried dough too). More information and permission slip in the March newsletter. Venture scouts will be setting up the courses the weekend before on March 17.
Troop Swim Night: is scheduled for Thursday, April 5 (instead of the troop meeting) at the Milford High School pool from 7:00 to 8:30 PM. Pizza and beverages will be provided.
The April Troop Camping Trip: date has been changed from April 27 – 29 to the following weekend of May 5 – 6. More information to follow.
The May Troop Camping Trip: for May 18 – 20 will be a cycling trip on Cape Cod! More information on the way and plenty of time to prepare those bicycles!
The June High Adventure White Water Trip: will be Saturday, June 23 through Monday June 25. We will be whitewater rafting in Maine on the Kennebec River! We are also using a new outfitter for the trip and we are staying at a campsite that has a pool, hot tub, climbing wall and hot showers. This is a great adventure – please mark your calendars for the event. We will also need some parents to drive and stay for the event (you don’t have to do the white water). More information on the way.
Camp Resolute 2007: will be Sunday, July 22 through Friday, July 27. More information to follow.
Recharter $ Due: The annual $35 recharter fee for each scout was due by the February 1 troop meeting. Please drop off the recharter fee in a check payable to Troop 4 at the troop meetings or mail the check to the Troop Treasurer, Judy Alley at 7 Paula Road in Milford as soon as possible. Almost all of the $ goes to the National Boy Scout Council for dues, insurance and Boy’s Life magazine. We do need the payment to be sure that all scouts are registered.
Information Especially for Venture Scouts
Troop Meeting for February 8: Mr. Phil Bedard will present a missile defense “Star Wars” presentation – he has lots of neat stuff to show and talk about plus an insight into the engineering profession.
Thanks: to Mrs. Deb Donaldson-Furlo for the interviewing and resume presentation. We hope to have at least one presentation each month on career areas and areas of interest for older scouts.
Orienteering Hike Set Up: will be at Peppercorn Hill Saturday, March 17 from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. We need venture scouts to set up the orienteering course for the rest of the troop. We will cook up a hot lunch too!
Upcoming Event Dates & Reminders:
- Thursdays: Feb 8, 15 are regular troop meetings
- No Troop meeting February 22 (happy school vacation)
- Thursday March 1 is a regular troop meeting and Order of the Arrow Elections
- Thursdays March 8, 15, 22, 29 are regular troop meeting dates.
- Saturday March 17 is Venture Scout Orienteering Hike set up
- Saturday March 24 is the Troop Orienteering Hike at Peppercorn Hill
Troop Four Website: checkout the new Troop 4 website at: we will have more and more information on the site in the future.
Please call the Dave Kirchner at 508-478-5915 or email at kirchner5!!remove this part!! if you have any questions.