Biking, hiking, swimming, and a final backpacking training opportunity for our Colorado alpine adventure team… this trip will have it all! The trip is scheduled for Saturday June 21 thru Monday June 23. We will be camping at Savoy Mountain State Forest, located in Berkshires on a 2000’ plateau. The park offers hiking to mountain lakes and waterfalls, and also biking, fishing and swimming opportunities. There is also nearby access to a “rail trail” for extended scenic bike rides which can be tied into the cycling merit badge.
The troop will meet at the parish center at 8:30 AM Saturday and leave for the campsite by about 9 AM. We will return to the parish center for pickup by 4pm on Monday.
Scouts need to bring a bag lunch for Saturday. The troop will be cooking patrol style for dinners and breakfasts, and Sunday lunch. Scouts should also bring some money for a fast food or diner lunch on Monday’s return. Each patrol will give grocery assignments to their members at the May 29th troop meeting.
If your son will be attending, please drop off the permission slip no later than the May 29 Troop Meeting. Please email or call Phil Bedard before May 29 if your son will be attending but won’t be at the May 29 Troop Meeting. The troop needs to know who is attending for planning purposes. There is a nominal fee of $8/scout to help with the cost of the state park campsites. Please staple or clip the payment to your permission slip. If paying by check (preferred), please make payable to Troop 4.