Troop Four Family Newsletter – January 24, 2008

Thanks: to all the scouts, parents and leaders who helped out at the Pancake Breakfast – the event was a great success and the troop raised over $4000 for the 2008 High Adventure trip and other troop activities! Congratulations to TJ for being the top ticket seller!

Thanks: to all the scouts and adults who participated in the annual Milford tree pick up. We made $400 and performed a good service for the town.

Summer Camp 2008 Surveys: are due by the January 31 troop meeting. If you haven’t sent one in yet, please download a copy from the troop website and either email or hand in to Dave Kirchner by the troop meeting on the 31st.

Merit Badges and Other Advancement: The merit badge classes for Citizenship in the: Community, Nation & World are underway. The Communications classes are wrapping up. We are also working with the scouts on First Class advancement.

The February Winter Camping Trip: will be Saturday, February 9 through Sunday February 10 at Split Rock Scout Camp in Ashburnham, MA. The camp is located near the New Hampshire border and is about an hour drive from Milford. The Nashua Valley Boy Scout Council owns the camp.

We will be using a large wood-heated cabin to sleep in at night. The camp is noted for its outdoor winter activities. The cabin will allow everyone to keep warm and dry during the day’s activities. Scouts should bring a plastic sled or snow tube if they have one. There is a great sliding hill. We will be doing some introduction to ice fishing on the lake (ice conditions permitting). At night we will be doing some of the famous Troop 4 night rocket launches. We will have a campfire at night.

Scouts need to bring a bag lunch for Saturday. We will be cooking troop-style for Saturday dinner and Sunday breakfast. Troop-style means that the scouts will be planning and cooking the meals as one group. The troop will purchase the food and supplies. There was a reservation cost for the cabin. To cover the cost of the cabin rental and the food for the weekend we are charging each scout $15.00

Scouts should dress appropriately (water proof boots, hat, and gloves/mittens) for winter camping, as the activities are outside. A list of gear for winter camping can be found on the troop website under “Troop Resources – Camping Information”.

We will meet at the parish center on Saturday February 9 at 9:00 AM and leave for the camp by about 9:30 AM. We will return to the parish center for pick up by noon on Sunday. Any parents who would like to drive and stay for the event are welcome.

If your son is planning to attend, please return the attached permission slip by the January 31 troop meeting. If you son can’t make the meeting on the 31st but would like to attend, please call or email Dave Kirchner by the 31st . We will be planning for the event at the troop meeting January 31, so it is important to know who will be participating for planning purposes. In addition, we need the $15/scout by February 7 troop meeting.

Troop Family Court of Honor:
will be Thursday, February 28 from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM at St. Mary’s parish center. Awards earned by the scouts since the last Court of Honor in October will be presented. There will be a pot-luck dinner before the awards ceremony. The troop committee will contact the families to determine who will be attending and what to bring. In addition, we will be honoring a great supporter of the troop, the former pastor of St. Mary’s Father Michael Foley.

Boards of Review: for advancement will be held during the January 31, February 7, and February 14 troop meetings. We will advise the scouts who are ready for advancement in rank.

2008 High Adventure Trip Updates: We are completing the total price for the Colorado trip, and will send out a special newsletter with the information in the next week or so. The $100/person deposit for the trip is due by the February 14 troop meeting. If you son will not be at the troop meeting on the February 14, the deposit must be received by the troop Treasurer, Judy Alley at 7 Paula Drive, Milford by the 14th.

Scout Camp Health forms for Camp Tahosa – are a special form for the state of Colorado – you can download the form from our troop website.

Venture Scout Corner

Life Scouts Starting on Their Eagle Projects: we have met with all the new Life Scouts – remember that if you want to do an Eagle project this summer the proposal process needs to start now.

February Camping Trip: this is a great trip to do to help meet your camping/activity requirements for advancement!

Citizenship Merit Badge Classes: Are under way for all 3 of the badges – if you need one or more, now is the time to earn them!

Communications Merit Badge: we are finishing up the requirements now – be sure to get yours done if you need the badge.

Upcoming Event Dates & Reminders

  • January 24 is a regular troop meeting.
  • January 31 is a regular troop meeting and Board of Review & Summer Camp Surveys are due
  • February 7 is a regular troop meeting and Board of Review
  • Saturday February 9 is the Camping Trip to Camp Split Rock
  • February 14 is a regular troop meeting and Board of Review – plus deposit for Summer High Adventure trip is due
  • February 21 – no troop meeting Happy School Vacation!
  • February 28 is the Family Dinner Court of Honor at 6:30 PM
  • March 6 is a regular troop meeting
  • March 13 is a regular troop meeting
  • March 20 is troop swim night at the Milford High School Pool
  • March 27 is a regular troop meeting.

Troop Four Website: checkout the Troop 4 website at: we have lots of information and event calendars/dates listed.

Please call the Dave Kirchner at 508-478-5915 or email at if you have any questions.

