St. Mary’s parish center will be closed for our next scheduled troop meeting on January 8th. However, the troop has lined up an alternate merit badge activity at the Milford Police Station at the normal troop meeting time. Officer Jay Ball will be conducting a fingerprinting merit badge class. This is a great opportunity to earn a merit badge in just ONE meeting. All you need to do is print out the worksheet that can be found at, and do a bit of on-line homework to complete the “history of fingerprinting” requirement #1. Bring the partially completed worksheet to the Jan 8th meeting, where Officer Ball will then work with all scouts that attend to complete the remaining requirements. Due to space constraints at the police station, this meeting is recommended only for those scouts who have not yet completed the fingerprinting merit badge. Attending scouts should meet the troop’s adult leaders in the Police Station front lobby at 7pm. It is very important that scouts arrive on-time for this meeting (a few minutes early is even better) in order to fill out some preliminary paperwork. Pickup will be at 8:30 in the same location. Older venture scouts that have already earned this badge may take the week off, though there is rumor that your SPL may arrange a venture-only activity. Stay tuned for a possible note from Brad.