Troop Election Results
Congratulations to Brad for being elected by his fellow scouts to the Senior Patrol Leader position. Other election results, and the SPL’s selection of key troop leadership positions, are summarized in the Troop 4 organization chart at the end of this newsletter.
October Campout
The October Campout is this weekend at the Quabbin Reservoir. Scouts have finished their planning. The troop will meet at the parish center at 8:30 AM Saturday October 25th, and leave for the campsite by about 9 AM. We will return to the parish center for pickup by 4pm on Sunday.
November Campout
The November Campout will be Saturday Nov 22 and Sunday November 23 at the troop campsite in Milford. This event will feature an open fire turkey roast. Scouts are still working to plan the details of this event. Keep an eye out more details in the next newsletter. (Click here for the campout permission slip.)
Troop Eagle Court of Honor
This Thursday, October 23rd from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM at St. Mary’s parish center, is the Troop Four Eagle Court of Honor. This special Court of Honor will honor our newest Eagle Scout, Pat Bedard. Awards earned by all other scouts since the last Court of Honor will also be presented. Remember to arrive in full uniform, with merit badge sash (except 1st year scouts), neckerchief/slide, and with your latest position/rank patches on your uniform. Dinner will start at 6:30. Families are requested to bring a desert item and a 2 liter bottle of soft drink.
Halloween Party
The next regular troop meeting will feature our annual Halloween party. Prizes for the best costume, and for winners of the games and contests scouts planned last week.
Scouts continue to work on advancement to Tenderfoot, 2nd Class and First Class ranks. The Personal Fitness and Computer merit badges are also in high gear. See Mr. Croteau or Pat Bedard if you are interested in signing up for these badges. Camping merit badge activity will also continue during our fall camping trips. Keep an eye out for an announcement on the Communications merit badge, which will begin shortly in support of our pancake breakfast fundraiser. A special thanks goes to Mr. Croteau and Mr. Hobart for recently concluding very successful rifle and photography merit badge sessions. Scouts who recently presented their photography displays are invited to bring them to Thursday’s Court of Honor, where we will put them on display for guests to enjoy.
Troop Library
Thanks to those who recently returned or donated more than 30 merit badge books to the troop library.
Special Service Events
The troop will be supporting two service events this fall. Please make every effort to attend at least one of these events.
The first involves a clean up project at St. Mary’s cemetery. This is an important event to support the troop’s sponsor. We’ll meet at the St. Mary’s cemetery Irish round tower at 9am on Saturday Nov 1. Lunch will be included, and we’ll wrap up at 2pm. Bring work gloves and a rake. It would be helpful if another adult or two could bring a truck to haul leaves and debris to the woods. Call Mr. Bedard if you have any questions.
The 2nd event is on Saturday Nov 8th at the food pantry on Exchange Street. The troop will support the scouting for food event by receiving and sorting incoming food that other troops and packs have collected. The event will run from 1130 to 3pm. Mr. Barie will be onsite to work with the senior attending scout to coordinate our troop’s activity.
Venture Scouts – Career Night
The troop is restarting our very successful venture career nights. The first event will be either 11/13 or 11/20. Mr. Croteau will provide an overview and case studies from his failure analysis consulting business. Other speakers and events to be scheduled shortly thereafter.
Upcoming Event Dates & Reminders
- Oct 23 – Eagle Court of Honor
- Oct 25 & 26 – Troop Campout – Quabbin
- Oct 30 – Troop Halloween Party
- Nov 1 (Sat) – Troop Service Project (9am – 2pm). Meet at the trailhead to the Troop campsite
- Nov 6 – Troop Meeting (Webelos night)
- Nov 8 – Troop 4 Service at the Scouting for Food event (1130am–3pm). Meet at the Food Pantry on Exchange St.
- Nov 13 – Troop Meeting
- Nov 20 – Troop Meeting
- Nov 22/23 – Campout at the Troop 4 cemetery campsite
Please call the Phil Bedard at 508-282-0283 or email at if you have any questions