The November Campout
The November campout will be Saturday Nov 22 and Sunday November 23 at the troop campsite in Milford. Scouts should arrive at the Parish Center at 9AM to prepare our gear for departure to the site by 9:30AM. We’ll return to Parish Center on Sunday to clean gear. Parents can pick up their scouts at 1pm on Sunday. This event will feature a turkey roast, and all the fixins. The Scout Cooking team will prepare these beasts using an experimental technique never before attempted by Troop 4. This is the one annual campout where we cook as a troop (due to the anticipated large crowd). Scouts need not bring any groceries, just a bag lunch for Saturday. To offset the cost of troop food, please attach a $10 check (payable to Troop 4) to the back of your permission slip. For food, scouts need only bring a bag lunch for Saturday.
Permission slips are due at the 11/13 Troop Meeting.
Many activities are planned for this event, including Archery, Wilderness Survival (including option to construct and sleep in a self-built shelter), Lower Rank Advancement, Camping Merit Badge, an Evening Campfire, and other activities still being planned. Also, on this campout, we have invited Webelos Scouts and their parents to give them a look at how our troop operates in the field. Scouts will be involved in planning and judging a variety of challenging games and contests for the Webelos. Finally, the troop is pleased to welcome Eagle Scout Matt Thimble on Sunday morning. Matt graduated from Troop 4 several years ago, and will visit the campsite to lead a discussion on his experience at the Army’s West Point Academy, and to share the career and educational opportunities they offer.
As always, the troop will be looking for assistance in transporting scouts and gear to/from the campsite. Please indicate on the permission slip if you can help.
New Meeting Closure Checklist
The older scouts have done a great job recently using the new parish center checklist. The scouts use the checklist after each meeting to ensure the parish center stays clean and secure, and it helps us to get out at a reasonable hour. Continued use of this process will keep us in good graces with our sponsor. All adult and scout leaders should review the checklist on the bulletin board to familiarize themselves with the process.
OA Election
The OA election is scheduled for Thursday, Dec 18th at the regular troop meeting. A separate mailing will be sent shortly directly to those scouts who meet the eligibility requirements for this BSA honor society. Questions can be directed to the Scoutmaster, or the Troops OA Rep, Casey Dundon.
Winter Sports Weekend
The troop’s famous NH Winter Sports Weekend is back on the schedule for February 2009. More details to come soon. Ventures will lead up an advance party to the Lanciano cabin on Friday night, with the rest of the troop to follow on Saturday.
Scouts continue to work on advancement to Tenderfoot, 2nd Class and First Class ranks. The Personal Fitness and Computer merit badges continue as well. The troop is also kicking off the Communications Merit Badge at the next Troop Meeting. This badge is a very important Eagle-Required badge, and is helpful in supporting our pancake advertising fundraising effort. Look for much more information on the pancake breakfast fundraising effort in the next newsletter.
Troop Library / Archives
Thanks to Matt Callis, the troop librarian, for recently organizing our stock, and weeding out obsolete books. Also, the Troop Historian has undertaken an effort to create new photo albums for our 2007 and 2008 seasons. Please see Philip Callis is you’d like to help.
Special Service Events
The troop is supporting two service events this fall. Scouts should make every effort to attend at least one of these events.
The first has already passed, and involved a successful clean up at St. Mary’s cemetery. This was an important event to support our troop’s sponsor. The event was led by Jonathan Lincoln, and was attended by over a dozen scouts, leaders and parents. Thanks to all for your support!
The 2nd event is this Saturday Nov 8th at the food pantry on Exchange Street. The troop will support the scouting for food event by receiving and sorting incoming food that other troops and packs have collected. The event will run from 1130 to approximately 3pm. Mr. Barie will be onsite to work with the senior attending scout to coordinate our troop’s activity. This is an outstanding opportunity for a venture scout to attain some of the mandatory leadership experience that’s required to advance to higher ranks.
Venture Scouts Corner
Career Night: The troop is restarting our very successful venture career nights. The first event will be during the 11/13 Troop Meeting. Mr. Croteau will provide an overview and case studies from his failure analysis consulting business. Other speakers and events to be scheduled shortly thereafter.
Venture Advance Party: Note that only ventures are allowed on the first night of the NH Winter Weekend described above. Don’t miss out on this opportunity.
Upcoming Event Dates & Reminders
- Nov 8 – Troop 4 Service at the Scouting for Food event (1130am–3pm). Meet at the Food Pantry on Exchange St.
- – Nov 13 – Troop Meeting
- – Nov 20 – Troop Meeting
- – Nov 22/23 – Campout at the Troop 4 cemetery campsite
- – Dec 4 – Swim night at the MHS pool
- – Dec 11 – Troop Meeting
- – Dec 18 – Troop Meeting, OA Election
Please call the Phil Bedard at 508-282-0283 or email at if you have any questions.