Parish Center
1. Parish Center Winter Closures and alternate TM events (Dave K / Phil B)
2. Jan camping trip – coverage issues (Phil)
3. Troop meeting adult leader coverage in January (Phil)
4. Pancake Breakfast Long Lead Activity Status/Plans (Pancake chair)
o Ticket printing
o Ad Sales
o Prizes
o Scout participation requirements
o Ad in church bulletin / local papers
5. June Whitewater Plans (Phil)
6. Spring Event ideas (All)
7. Troop Financial Status / Budget (Deb L)
8. Re-charter Status / Issues (Phil)
9. Advancement Status (Phil)
10. Court of Honor … Eagle? (Ken/Michelle)
11. Volunteers for Eagle Board of Reviews in Dec/Jan (All)
12. Webelo Recruiting Status (MarkS / Phil)
13. Eagle Project Status (Phil)