Summer Camps:
Thanks to all those that have turned in scout camp payments and forms. Any remaining payments should be sent to Deb Laviolette, 7 Paulene Drive, Franklin, MA 02038, as soon as possible. Any remaining health forms should be turned into Brian Weber, 11 Ariel Circle, Milford, MA 01757. Instructions and due dates for all medical forms are available on the troop website. Remember that all attendees of the Maine canoe trips (adults and scouts alike) must turn in health forms per the website’s instructions. Also, all parents volunteering to stay overnight, or who wish to participate with scouts in the swim program, must turn in health forms.
Thank you to all the parents who volunteered to help at Camp Resolute. We have two leaders, Brian Weber and Tom Sgammato, who will be at camp all week, plus many others that have volunteered for days and/or nights so that we have 3 adults at camp at all times. Again – thanks to our adult leaders and parents for their outstanding support.
For those looking a nice set of dowels to hold up the bug nets at camp, please note that the Hastings have purchased a whole bunch in bulk for purchase by troop members at $2 for a set of four. You can pick them up next to his miscellaneous mailbox near the garage, at 23 Lucia Drive Milford. Or see him on the first Sunday of summer camp.
Maine high adventure preparations
Preparations are proceeding at a fast clip.
An outstanding field menu has been planned, to include one-pot favorites, gourmet dutch oven meals, hearty breakfasts, and other great menu items. Based on previous troop experience on these trips, the troop is planning on 3 squares per day, but only minimal snacks. Since snack tastes vary widely, scouts are asked to bring whatever snack foods they like for the trip. The troop recommends that scouts go easy on candy snacks, and heavier on high energy snacks, like nuts, dried fruit, gorp, etc.
For scouts that are gathering their gear, the troop campout packing list is a great place to begin. Specific instructions will follow in the coming weeks for additional items to pack (or not pack). All scouts are required to attend a pre-trip planning meeting on Thursday August 5th at the Parish Center. Scouts will be required to bring all their gear to this meeting, and we will leave/lock this gear at the scout room so that we will be guaranteed ready and prepared when the bus arrives to pick us up on August 14th. At the Aug 5th meeting, older scouts will inventory every item in a scout’s bag to ensure they are prepared. If any critical item is missing, scouts must bring it on the morning of departure. Only fully prepared scouts can depart with the Troop. The August 5th meeting is also an excellent time for parents to ask questions about the upcoming trip. Parents are welcome to come and stay for this entire planning meeting. If a scout is on vacation, and cannot attend the Aug 5th meeting, he must call the Scoutmaster to make arrangements to have his gear inspected at an alternate time.
For those interested in fishing on this adventure trip, a junior fishing license is needed for non-resident ages 12-16 and the cost is $16. For a 7-day non-resident ages 16+ license, the cost will be $43.00. Both of which can be purchased on-line.
Maine canoe trip adult leaders: Each leader should prepare to offer 1 merit badge of their interest. Scouts on our wilderness trips have traditionally earned 2-3 merit badges in the wild. Please email Pat Gallagher at to let him know which badge you intend to teach, so we can avoid duplicates. The troop has many merit badge books in our library, and can obtain more if out of stock. So far adults and leaders have volunteered to teach:
Photography Merit Badge: Mark Hobart
Canoeing Merit Badge: Peter Lanciano
Tracking (aka Stalking) Merit Badge: Phil Bedard
Wilderness Survival Merit Badge: Peter Lanciano and Phil Bedard
Coffee Brewing Merit Badge: Jim Brundrett (Jeff has already registered to be a student in this one)
Knitting and Cross Stitch Merit Badge: Jeff Croteau
Moose Tipping Merit Badge: Pat Gallagher
Bear Wrestling Merit Badge: Tony Bogner
Snipe Hunting Merit Badge: Bruce Hastings
Latrine Science Merit Badge: Stacey Barie
White Water Bodysurfing Merit Badge: Tim Brundrett
Just a heads up for our older scouts that the venture program will be back in force next year. Mr.Hobart has volunteered to work with our ventures (high school age and above) to craft a series of fun and interesting events over the course of the year. Much more info to come at our Ventures-only planning meeting in September.
New Eagle Scout!!
Congratulations to Jim Malnati for becoming the Troop’s most recent Eagle Scout. The troop will celebrate his accomplishments at our fall Court of Honor.
Youth Protection Training:
Is now mandatory for all registered leaders. The Council is now automatically dropping leaders from our roster that are not trained by the end of the year, and will not admit new leaders without this training. Training only takes about ½ hour and is available via the link on the Knox Trail Council website. Also – for those leaders attending the Maine high adventure, you must also complete Safe Swim Defense, Safety Afloat, and Hazardous Weather Training. These three courses are also available on-line, and take about ½ hour each. Please send all completed training certificates to Stacey Barie at New leaders: note that the council offers new leader training that can bring you up to speed quickly on the BSA program and Troop organization. If interested, check out the Knox Trail website for an upcoming course. All training fees are picked up by the troop.
Please call Phil Bedard at 508-561-7058 or if you have any questions.