Holiday Party:
The troop’s holiday party will be at the December 16th troop meeting. Scouts that want to participate in our annual Yankee Swap gift exchange can do so by bringing an inexpensive wrapped gift in the $10-$15 range. Note that this will be the last troop meeting of the year. There is no troop meeting on Thursday 12/23/10.
Troop Knife Contest:
Will be held at the December 16 troop meeting. Scouts can bring a knife that they can use under the troop/BSA rules and enter it in the competition for sharpest, best looking, and most functional. There will be prizes for the winners.
Order Of The Arrow Election:
Scheduled for Thursday, Dec 16th at the regular troop meeting. A separate mailing will be sent shortly directly to those scouts who meet the eligibility requirements for this BSA honor society. Questions can be directed to the Scoutmaster, or the Troops OA Rep, Richard.