DATE CHANGE: Eagle Court of Honor: The Court of Honor was recently rescheduled from March 3rd to Thursday, March 24th from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM at St. Mary’s parish center. This special Court of Honor will honor our newest Eagle Scout, Stephen Ward. Awards earned by all other scouts since the last Court of Honor will also be presented. There will be a dinner before the awards ceremony. The troop committee is planning the details and will communicate more information to families shortly.
Advancement: For those scouts wrapping up merit badges, you must turn in a councilor signed blue card by the 3/10 troop meeting if you would like to receive the badge at the court of honor. Scouts looking to advance to the next rank at the next Court of Honor must complete all rank requirements no later the start of the 3/10 troop meeting, and you must email the scoutmaster in advance of 3/10 in order to have your scoutmaster conference scheduled for that evening.