Newsletter 2012-5-5

Summer Camps.   A reminder that the early bird rate for Camp Resolute summer camp payment ends soon.  To receive the reduced rate of $355, please turn in your payment at the May 10th troop meeting.  The rate for the second scout in a family is $279.  The early bird deadline does not apply to new crossover scouts; you get the early bird rate even if you sign up later.  All checks should be made payable to Troop 4.  There is lots of summer camp information posted on our website.  Attending scouts can sign up for their merit badges at the May 17th Troop Meeting.  Leaders and older scouts will be on hand to assist younger scouts on their merit badge selections.  Camp Tahosa (Colorado) attendees will have their first planning meeting at the May 10th troop meeting, to determine patrol / trek crew structure, leadership positions, and desired merit badges and activities.  Follow up meetings will be schedule to work on equipment preparation and trek destination selections.  Tahosa attendees have been emailed to inform them of their final payment amounts due.  Please bring the final payment to the next troop meeting.

Easter Vigil Ceremony:  Thanks to the scouts who supported our St.Mary’s Easter Vigil ceremony.  Troop 4 scouts played a key role by building and lighting an outstanding campfire that was at the center of the ceremony.  This was a wonderful event, and perhaps could be an annual tradition.

Trip Report – The Pemigewasset Wilderness:   The troop recently returned from an outstanding camping adventure in the Pemi Wilderness in central New Hampshire.  Scouts hiked several miles into the backcountry where we set up camp, and then proceeded to explore the area.  We saw much  evidence of the Hurricane Irene’s fury in this area, which washed out large sections of trail, and the area’s bridges across the river.  Several scouts opted for the extreme edition of this trip, and approached our troop camping area by first ascending the snow capped (4 inches of snow fell overnight) and 5000 foot Franconia ridge.

Advancement:  For those that wish to advance at the next Court of Honor, your deadline for completing rank advancement requirements is the start of the May 24th troop meeting.  Those that finish by this time will be scheduled for their Board of Review at one of the next two following troop meetings.  Deadlines for turning in completed merit badge blue cards (signed off by your councilor!) is also May 31st.  Scouts must turn in their own cards to the Scoutmaster….don’t rely on someone else to turn it in.


May Camping Trip  will be Saturday, May 19th and 20th, at the Troop campsite in Milford.  We will meet at the parish center on Saturday morning at 9:30 AM.  We will return for pick up at the parish center by 11:30 PM on Sunday.  Scouts need to bring a bag lunch and the items listed on the Troop 4 camping equipment list, including their scout handbook.  The list is available on our website.  In lieu of a bagged lunch, scouts may instead select a genuine MRE (meal ready to eat).  MRE’s are military style rations.  A batch was recently donated to the troop by a generous Scouter. 

This local campout at our secluded Troop campsite is very convenient for scouts that have sports games to attend.  Scouts can check out to attend their game, and then return after it is over.  Be sure to indicate on your permission slip if you arriving late, or need to leave for a period, in order to attend a game.

Speaking of Sports…. The scouts have selected SPORTS as the theme of the campout.  The tentative schedule includes Ultimate Frisbee, a Troop softball game, football, waffle ball, and other sports activities.  We will use this opportunity to kick off the Sports merit badge for those scouts interested.  In addition to Sports, Chief Rocketeer Alex Hastings and his patrol of mad Biohazards plan to launch the Big Kahuna, the six foot rocket that has been in construction at recent troop meetings. 

Any scout desiring to reach Tenderfoot, 2nd Class or 1st Class rank by the end of the spring season should attend, as we will be covering many of the remaining advancement requirements at this event.    

We will be cooking patrol style over open wood fires for dinner and breakfast.  Scout patrols will create their own menus and duty rosters at the May 10th troop meeting.  Dutch ovens and dutch oven recipes will be available for scouts that have interest in this cooking technique.  Scouts need to bring a bag lunch for Saturday. 

In addition to the SPORTS theme activities, the troop will also cover advancement requirements and conduct an entertaining Troop evening campfire.  Prizes will be awarded for the best patrol skit, song and stand-up comedy act.  

If your son will be attending this campout, please complete the permission slip and return it to the Troop Scribe at the May 10th troop meeting.  If your son would like to attend but won’t be at the May 10th troop meeting, please call or email Phil Bedard at 508-561-7058 or before May 10th.   We may need a few parents to drive to/from and/or stay for the event.  If you can help out please indicate on the permission slip.  Note that the troop’s Milford campsite has very limited parking, so adults that plan to attend are encouraged to carpool.


Order of the Arrow    Recently elected members to the Order of the Arrow should strongly consider registering for the Spring Ordeal to be held at Camp Resolute on May 11-13.  Scouts can register at  Please contact Life Scout Dev Sgammato, our OA Representative, if you have any questions about the OA, or the upcoming Ordeal.

Troop Hats    Still some left.  $15 each.  If you would like one, stick a note in the scribe box, and we’ll have them the following week.

Eagle Court of Honor   Save the date.  An Eagle Court of Honor is scheduled for Thursday, June 14th, at 630PM.  The COH will recognize recent Eagle Scouts Dan Avery and Matt Bedard.  Lots of other rank advancements and merit badges will be presented to the troop’s scouts.  The COH will feature a free catered dinner; Chinese style!  As with all Court of Honor events, families and siblings are encouraged to attend.

Eagle Service Projects!  Support your Eagle Scout candidates.  Please respond positively and attend many of the upcoming Eagle Service Project work parties that are being announced.


Memorial Day Parade will be held Monday, May 28.  This is the only parade that the troop attends each year.  As usual, the Troop will assemble at 9:30 AM in the Stop & Shop parking lot (Quarry Square) adjacent to the 99 Restaurant.  Step off will be at 10:00 AM.  The parade will proceed up Main St and briefly stop at the Doughboy Monument in Calzone Park. The parade will end at the Draper War Memorial Park.  Scouts should come in full uniform (not troop t-shirts).  Scouts may be picked up at Draper Park at approximately 1130AM.  Please sign up with the Troop scribe at an upcoming troop meeting if your scout plans to attend.  It’s important for the Troop to have a good showing at this important event.  Attending scouts will get credit for the “participate in a flag ceremony” advancement requirement.  

See May Campout Permission Slip on the next page.

Troop Four Permission Slip

For the Troop Four Camping Trip at our Milford Troop Campsite on May 19-20, 2012

_____________________________________ has my permission to attend the event as noted above.  If I can not be reached in a medical emergency, I authorize the Adult Leaders to obtain the appropriate medical care, at my expense, if necessary.

During the event I can be reached at the following telephone # ______________

If I can not be reached, please contact __________________________

at this telephone #______________________ Relationship to scout __________

Signed _____________________________________  Date ____________

Parent Drivers:

I will (please check)                   ___ not be attending

___ drive to the event, but am not staying

___ drive back from the event, but am not staying

___ attending, and driving to/from the event

Note that the drive from the parish center to the campsite is less than 5 minutes!                                                   

Permission Slip is due at no later than the start of the May 10th troop meeting.  Earlier Call Phil Bedard at 508-561-7058 before May 10th if your scout would like to attend the trip, but can’t attend the May 10th troop meeting.

For Adults Driving

My vehicle has seat belts to accommodate ____ scouts, including my own scout

There is no fee required for this camping trip.