We’re wrapping up our Christmas Wreath sales supporting our high adventure trips. Before finalizing things, we wanted to reach out to everyone for any additional orders from our troop families. Unlike our annual pancake fundraiser, scouts asked not to solicit sales of wreaths door to door. Of course, if you, a friend, neighbor or family member would like to purchase a wreath, we would accommodate their request. If anyone is interested in purchasing a wreath(s), please send a note to Mr. Comisky with size and quantity prior to tomorrow night’s meeting. Wreaths come 22″ or 28″ inch and are $15 and $20, respectively.
Thank you to Adrian, Paul, James, Ashby, Andrew, Jason, Neil, Shane and WIlliam for taking orders for Christmas wreaths these past two weeks.
Please let Mr. Comisky know if you can help with wreath distribution. Distribution will take place at the Small Hall (our weekly meeting area) on Sunday, November 24th between the hours of 10:30 AM and 1:00 PM.