Summer Camp:
Look for a separate troop mailing soon (over the next week or two) with lots of information on Camp Resolute 2011. Our troop will be attending from July 17-22. The mailing will include an overview of the camp experience, medical form process, what to bring, etc. The fees this year are $340/scout ($269 for sibling) if paid up as an early bird by May 12th. The full rate thereafter is $370/$299. All payments are made payable to Troop 4. Much more summer camp detail is being emailed separately. We will also be holding a Summer Camp info session for scouts and parents at an upcoming troop meeting.
Eagle Court of Honor:
The Eagle Court of Honor for Stephen Ward, and to recognize all other scout awards and advancement, is Thursday, March 24th from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM at St. Mary’s parish center. There will be a dinner before the awards ceremony. Scouts should come in full uniform, including neckerchief and slide. Parents and siblings are enthusiastically invited. Families with last names beginning with A-J are asked to support the dinner by bringing two bottles of soft drink (2 liter size), and those families with last names beginning with K-Z are asked to bring a dessert item. Thanks.
Life Scouts:
There will be a Knox Trail Council “Life to Eagle Seminar” on Monday, April 11th at 6:30 pm at Tatnuck Booksellers in Westborough. If interested, please attend. While the content is similar to the guidance that is offered by our troop’s leaders, this seminar will be an excellent opportunity to ask questions on the process, and perhaps learn about service project opportunities in the area.
Troop April Campout:
The troop April Campout will be Saturday, April 9th through Sunday April 10th at Mount Monadnock State Park in Jaffrey New Hampshire. We will meet at the parish center at 8AM so that we have sufficient day light for our hiking adventures. We will return for pick up at the parish center by approximately 2 PM on Sunday. Scouts need to bring: a bag lunch for Saturday, and all the items called for on the backpacking checklist on our website.
Mount Monadnock is a great place for mountain climbing, and for more challenging backpacking. Older scouts, particularly those training to qualify for the summer Presidential Range high adventure trip, will backpack an 8-10 mile course that starts from Dublin in the north, and traverses the Pompelly Trail to the summit, before descending to the campsite near the park HQ. The rest of the troop will set up camp, and then tackle the 3165 foot summit directly from the state park HQ. Mount Monadnock is the highest mountain in the area, and rises far above the surrounding countryside, offering commanding views of 3 states.
Scouts will be cooking their meals (dinner and breakfast) patrol style over an open campfire. Patrol meal planning will take place at the March 31st troop meeting. Note that April weather can be surprisingly cold, particularly on the mountain top….so be prepared!
If you son will be attending the campout, please complete the attached permission slip and return no later than the start of the March 31st troop meeting. If you son would like to attend but won’t be at this troop meeting, please call or email Phil Bedard at 508-561-7058 or before March 31 We will need a few parents to drive to/from and/or stay for the event. If you can help out please indicate on the permission slip.
There is a nominal $5 fee per person to offset the cost of the campsite fee. Please make checks payable to Troop 4 and include payment along with your permission slip.
Service Event:
The troop will conduct a service event on Saturday April 16th, from 9AM to noon, at the St.Mary’s cemetery on Rt 85 (across from Plains Park). We will be cleaning trash and downed limbs and branches. Bring work gloves. Wear class B troop shirt if you have one, otherwise, work clothes are fine. The troop will cook up a hot dog lunch at the conclusion. You can drop off and pick up your scout by the Irish Round tower monument. Parents are welcome (buy not required) to participate.
Merit Badges:
Lots of merit badges will be awarded at next week’s Court of Honor. Mr.Sgammato continues to work with several scouts on the Environmental Science badge, and Mrs. Symmes continues to work scouts on the Scholarship Merit Badge. Several scouts are close on the Communications Merit Badge, and just need to complete their 5 minute speech. Other badges are also routinely offered in response to scout requests. As always, contact the appropriate merit badge councilor for the badge that you are interested in.
Personal Fitness Merit Badge:
Mr. Matondi is kicking off a warmer weather round of the Personal Fitness Merit Badge on Saturday March 26th at 9AM at the MHS track. This is an important badge, particularly for those who want to participate on the summer’s high adventure backpacking trip. Please come in warm workout clothes. The outdoor workout intro and workout session should take about 1 to 1.5 hours.
Please call Phil Bedard at 508-561-7058 or email at if you have any questions.
And be sure to frequently visit our great website at