Newsletter 2012-03-25

Summer Camp – Resolute:  Please read the recent summer camp letter and camp form packets recently published for this year’s troop adventure at Camp Resolute in Bolton, MA.  Both can be found on the troop website.  Look for a separate troop mailing soon (over the next week or two) with lots of  information on Camp Resolute 2011.  Our troop will be attending from July 8-13.  The summer camp letter included an overview of the camp experience, medical form process, what to bring, etc.  The fees this year are $355/scout ($279 for sibling) if paid up as an early bird by May 10th.  The full rate thereafter is $385/$309.  All payments are made payable to Troop 4. 

 Troop April Campout:  will be Saturday, April 28th through Sunday April 29th at the Pemigewasset Wilderness Area in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. We will meet at the parish center at 8AM so that we have sufficient day light for our backpacking adventures.  We will return for pick up at the parish center by approximately 500 PM on Sunday.  Scouts need to bring: a bag lunch for Saturday and all the items called for on the backpacking checklist on our website.  We will have a special backpacking preparation class at an upcoming troop meeting to help scouts prepare, and to pack light!

The Pemigewasset Wilderness Area is true wilderness camping.  Our trailhead leaves from the Kangamagus Highway.  From the trailhead, we will be hiking along a wild river for most of the day before settling into a remote campsite deep in the forest along the east flank of the Franconia ridge.  We have a chosen a relatively flat route which should provide a good introduction to backpacking for new scouts.   This is prime Moose Country…hopefully we’ll get a glimpse of Bullwinkle on this trip.

 Scouts will be cooking their meals (dinner and breakfast) patrol style using backpacking stoves.  Patrol meal planning will take place at the April 12th troop meeting. Note that April weather can be surprisingly cold, particularly in the White Mountains….so be prepared!

 If you son will be attending the campout, please complete the attached permission slip and return no later than the start of the April 12th troop meeting.  If you son would like to attend but won’t be at this troop meeting, please call or email Phil Bedard at 508-561-7058 or before April 12th.    We may need a few parents to drive and stay for the event.  If you can help out and are up for a backpacking adventure, please indicate on the permission slip.

Swim Night:  The April 5th troop meeting will be a swim night at the Milford High School pool.  Bring swim attire and a towel.  No uniform required, and there is no fee for this event.  Younger scouts will cover important advancement requirements related to swimming and water safety.  We’ll also have pool games, diving, and of course, pizza/drinks to end the night. Normal meeting time: 7pm start (sharp) & 830pm pickup.  The troop pays the pool entrance fee.

Eagle Scout Projects:  Expect to see lots of emails soon from scouts looking for help on their Eagle Scout Service Projects.  Please do all you can to help.

 Pancake Breakfast:  A huge success!  Thanks to all the scouts, leaders, family and friends who made this year’s breakfast one of the best ever.

 Please call Phil Bedard at 508-561-7058 or email at if you have any questions.

 And be sure to frequently visit our great website at


Troop Four Permission Slip      

 For the Troop Four backpacking trip to the Pemigewasset Wilderness Area in New Hampshire on April 28-29, 2012

 _____________________________________ has my permission to attend the event as noted above.  If I can not be reached in a medical emergency, I authorize the Adult Leaders to obtain the appropriate medical care, at my expense, if necessary.

During the event I can be reached at the following telephone # ______________

If I can not be reached, please contact __________________________

 at this telephone #______________________ Relationship to scout __________


Signed _____________________________________  Date ____________


 Parent Drivers:

I will (please check)                    ___ not be attending 

___ attend and drive to/from the event

Permission Slip is due at no later than the start of the April 12th troop meeting.  Call Phil Bedard at 508-561-7058 before April 12th if your scout would like to attend the trip, but can’t attend the April 12th troop meeting.