Troop 4 Family Newsletter – May 27, 2009


Many scouts are wrapping up Advancement to Tenderfoot, 2nd Class, 1st Class and Life.

Board of Review

Board of Review for scouts advancing in rank will be held at the May 28th and June 4th Troop meetings. If the scout is ready for the Board of Review we will notify him via email. Tip: this year’s BOR seems to have a particular fondness for rank-related knots, and appearance of the uniform, although the Board can ask questions related to ANY rank related requirement, so come prepared and look sharp! Candidates for Star rank and above should bring their merit badge sash. Candidates for any rank must bring their scout handbook. Be sure uniform includes neckerchief and slide.

The June Camping Trip

Our Maine Whitewater Trip is nearly here. The trip is from Saturday, June 20 through Monday June 22nd. We will meet at the parish center at 9AM. We will return for pick up at the parish center by 330PM on Monday. We will stop for fast food lunches on the way up and back, but scouts are welcome to bring a bag lunch if they prefer. Scouts also need to bring all the typical items that are found on the Troop 4 camping equipment list. The list is available on our website. Scouts will begin their patrol campout planning at the 5/28 Troop Meeting. Further details of this trip can be found in our previous newsletter. Thirty scouts and adults have signed up for this trip, which is a great showing.

Even though all participants have already paid (thanks!) it’s important that each scout also turn in the permission slip so that we can determine the drivers, and obtain the required emergency contact and driver information for the tour permit. Also, please complete and submit the waiver form that can be found on the troop website.

Parade and Relay for Life – Thanks

A sincere thanks goes to all who supported the Troop’s recent participation in the Relay for Life (as support crew) and the Memorial Day Parade. This season’s troop turnout at both events was the best in recent years.

Pumpkins for a Purpose

Troop 4’s Life Scout Spencer Carlin has taken creative initiative to organize the “Pumpkins for a Purpose” fundraiser to help needy families. By participating, you will not only be helping a needy family, but you’ll get access to Spencer’s famous GIANT pumpkin seeds. Some of you may recall reading last year’s newspaper feature about the giant 406 pound pumpkin that Spencer grew. Details on how you can help (and get seeds in time for the spring planting), will be distributed at an upcoming troop meeting. Thanks in advance for your support!

Eagle Court of Honor

Our next Court of Honor is scheduled for June 11th. This will be an Eagle Court of Honor for our two most recent Eagle Scouts, Gabe Lanciano and Jonathan Lincoln. In addition, many other scouts will receive merit badge, advancement and other awards. Please respond ASAP to the invitation you recently received from the Troop’s COH planner (Michelle Garber,, so that we can plan appropriately for the meal. Scouts and their families are asked to arrive at 6:30 PM for dinner. Awards will start after dinner about 7:15 PM and the evening will be done by about 8:30 PM.

Senior Patrol Leader Election

has been scheduled for the June 4th Troop Meeting. All candidates (must be Star and above) should come prepared to give a short speech to their fellow scouts about their candidacy just prior to the vote.

2010 Boy Scout 100th Anniversary Jamboree

The 2010 Boy Scout 100th Anniversary Jamboree will be July 26th through August 4th, 2010. While the Troop is not planning to attend this special 100th anniversary celebration, a Mendon Scoutmaster is trying to pull together a group of scouts from area troops to attend. A presentation and information session on the event will be given at the conclusion of our June 4th Troop Meeting. Any scouts or parents interested in learning more about this event are welcome to join us at 8:15pm for a 15-minute session.

August Presidential Range Adventure

Previous newsletters (and the troop website) detail the troop’s plans for a Presidential Range Adventure, to include bagging New England’s highest peak, from August 7th through August 10th. Mr. Croteau has crafted a route through some of the most breathtaking scenery the area has to offer. Note that the payment for the meals/accommodations at the Lake of the Clouds Hut ($51 scouts, $85 adults) is due at the June 4th Troop Meeting. Please contact Mr. Croteau ASAP ( if you plan to attend, and to assess if you meet the fitness requirements for this challenging trip.

Summer Camp Due Dates

Summer camp fees ($305 new scouts, $335 all others, payable to Troop 4) are due at the May 28th Troop Meeting. Summer Camp medical forms are due by June 18th. Please reference the summer camp documents on the troop website (look under “FORMS” on the home page) for more details. Note that we will also have a merit badge “sign up session” at the June 4th troop meeting. Scouts should scan the merit badge list that can be found in the summer camp guides posted on the troop campsite, and make their selections. Troop leaders and older scouts will be available to advise younger scouts on their summer camp merit badge selections. If your scout can not attend the June 4th meeting, and is going to summer camp, please email 3 merit badge selections. If no selections are made, the Scoutmaster will review the scout’s merit badge records, and will make appropriate merit badge selections for him. Ballroom Dancing, Flower Arranging and the Housekeeping merit badges are the usual merit badge write-ins. If your scout doesn’t like these…be sure he turns in his selections!

Participation at summer camp as a Troop is a wonderful experience that will be remembered for years. We hope your scout can join us. If you have any questions or concerns about summer camp, please contact Phil Bedard (508-282-0283).

Upcoming Event Dates & Reminders:

  • May 28th is a regular troop meeting. Summer Camp fee is due. Scouts should have RSVP’d to the COH invitation by this date.
  • June 4th is a regular troop meeting. August Presidential Range trip fee is due. Whitewater permission slip and waiver form are due. Summer camp merit badge selections. SPL Elections.
  • June 11th is our Spring Eagle Court of Honor
  • June 18th Medical Forms for Summer Camp are due. Mail to Phil Bedard.
  • June 20th thru 22nd is our Whitewater Adventure
  • July 19th thru 24th is our summer camp attendance at Camp Resolute
  • August 7th thru 10th is the Presidential Range Backpacking Adventure


Call Phil Bedard at 508-282-0283 or email at