Troop 4 Welcomes 9 New Scouts!

Troop 4 is so excited to welcome 9 new scouts to the troop! We are thrilled to have received a brand-new scout last week who will join our Pickle Patrol! We also were able to attend Pack 71’s Blue & Gold Banquet where we received 8 crossovers from Pack 71’s AOL den, the Pancake Patrol. We are looking forward to the adventures to come with our new BSA Scouts! Welcome!

Troop 4’s Newest Scoutmaster

We would like to welcome Dale Winkler as Troop 4’s newest Scoutmaster. Dale Winkler has been active with BSA Scouting for over 20 years, starting as Cub Scout and progressing all the way to the accomplished rank of Eagle Scout. He has been a fixture in Milford Scouting for last 10 years starting as Den Leader and then Cubmaster for Pack 4 and then serving for the last several years as Assistant Scoutmaster for Troop 4.

Troop 4 Newsletter – October 12, 2015

Link to Full Newsletter: Troop 4 Newsletter – October 12 2015

Dear Parents, Scouts and Families,

I hope everyone is well and is back into the swing of things with school and other activities. Troop 4 has met a few times already and we are off to a fast start. On October 2nd Troop 4 welcomed three new Eagle scouts to its ranks, Eric Buckenmaier, Alex Hastings and Brandon Kee. Congratulations gentlemen! We have kicked off a few new merit badges and are gearing up for our October hiking trip to Cardigan Forest in New Hampshire. Next on the agenda is our Halloween party, followed by preparations for our November PIG roast and WEBELOS campout.
Please take a moment to review the following information as you plan your calendars for the next few months. Please note the date change to the February COH. As always, please contact me if you have any questions or concerns. I may be reached at 508-259-4114 or email at

Brian/Mr. Weber

Troop 4 Newsletter – September 15, 2015

Link to Full Newsletter: September 15, 2015

Dear Parents, Scouts and Families,

It’s hard to believe summer has come and gone and the new scout year is upon us!  I hope this note finds you and your families well.  I look forward to seeing you soon.

Brian Weber


October Troop Family Newsletter

Check out the latest troop newsletter.

Easter Vigil Fire Ceremony

2012-2013 Season is about to start!

Check out the Scoutmaster’s welcome letter for the 2012-2013 season, and our calendar for opening meeting dates.  The complete calendar for the season will be uploaded shortly.  The scoutmaster’s letter contains useful information for the whole season, so we’ll also keep it in the Troop Resources section on the bottom of the troop’s home page.  See you soon!

Special Newsletter 2012-7-9

TROOP FOUR Camp Tahosa 2012 Trip


Here are the final updates for the upcomingCampTahosatrip:

We will meet early Saturday morning on July 21st at 5:45 AM at St. Mary’s parish center.  We will take a chartered bus from the parish center to Boston Logan Airport.  Please be sure to arrive at 5:45 AM, as the bus will depart no later than 6:15 AM for the airport.  Flight and other chartered bus information is summarized below.





From To









5:45 AM

St.MarysParishCenter,Milford,MA BOS Airport Via Charter Bus.  Arrive 7:15 AM



8:55 AM

BOS Airport DEN Airport SW FL1565



12:00 PM

DEN Camp Tahosa, Ward CO Via Charter Bus.  Arrive 1:30PM



Participate inCampTahosaactivities.  Including, Alpine Adventure program for those scouts that meet the camps age requirement, and Eagle Point program for younger scouts.













6:30 AM

Camp Tahosa, Ward CO DEN Airport Via Charter Bus.  Arrive

8:30 AM



10:35 AM

DEN Airport BOS Airport (Boston) SW FL2563



5:00 PM

BOS Airport St.MarysParishCenter,Milford,MA Via Charter Bus



6:00 PM

Arrive St.Mary’sParishCenter,Milford,MA

Tour complete


Uniforms for Traveling

Regular scout uniforms must be worn for ALL traveling to and from Camp Tahosa by all scouts and registered adult leaders.  No exceptions.  This is standard BSA policy for national trips, and will expedite us through the airports.


Spending $ and Meals in Transit

Scouts should bring the regular pocket money for camp ($30-$50).  Scouts should eat breakfast before they come, and pack a lunch for the plane trip out.  All you get these days on the plane is peanuts!  Scouts should also have a few $ for a quick lunch/dinner on the way home Saturday, so do not spend all your money during the week.  Note that due to airline restrictions, scouts can not pack any liquids for their lunch.  Scouts should bring an empty water bottle that can be filled once they have passed through security.

Personal Gear

Scouts should bring the same basic gear that they take toCampResolute, with a few exceptions.  Attached is a checklist from the camp.  Notable exceptions:  no bug net is needed for sleeping, since we will be sleeping in our troop tents.  Bring a backpacking sleeping pad.  Bring a mid weight coat and sweatshirt for the night.  It is expected to drop close to freezing some nights.  Bring a canteen or two that can hold a total of 2 quarts of water.  Bring a complete mess kit (fork, knife, spoon, plate, cup).  Bring 6-8 pairs of socks. 


Luggage Information

All of the scout’s personal gear must be packed as follows into 3 pieces of luggage.  (1) Back Pack (2) a small suitcase, or better yet, a duffel bag, and (3) a carry-on day pack, like a school book bag.  Your personal gear placed in your suitcase/duffel bag and backpack is limited to 40 pounds in each.  This limit will allow us to add troop equipment.  But you should not have to take anywhere near this amount of weight.  Keep some extra room so that we can add troop gear like tents.  Have your name tag on all 3 bags/backpacks.  The day pack should have Sat lunch, snacks, and personal travel gear such as mp3 player, magazine, and other items that you would like for the plane.  Keep the day pack to a reasonable size, as it has to fit under your airline seat.  No liquids, gels, knives, clippers, tools, etc, are allowed in your carry on bag.  Knives/tools must go in your backpack. 

Pack your backpack with the gear you will be taking along the trail.  All items should be firmly attached to your pack, or placed in your pack. 

Your small suitcase/duffel bag should contain miscellaneous gear such as fishing tackle, pole, etc, and clothes that are not needed on the trail.  All bags but your carry on bag will be inspected by the troop at a July 14th mandatory pre-trip meeting at the parish center from 4-6PM. Come to this meeting completely packed as if you were ready to go.  (Your carry on bag will be inspected the morning we leave).  Please take the packing instructions seriously, as the airports these days are very firm on the rules, and we won’t have a car at camp to drive to purchase forgotten equipment.


Troop and Patrol Gear

The troop will distribute our troop tents and other required gear at our pre-meeting, where we will then add this gear to scout and adult backpacks and duffel bags.  We will re-weigh the bags to ensure we meet the airline 50 pound limit. 



If you plan to purchase a duffel bag, a standard Army-style duffel bags work best.  Remember that we are taking our luggage into a rugged camp, so you may not want to use expensive luggage.  

Medical Forms

Medical forms are past due.  If you have not yet turned them in, please do so as soon as possible.  Please drop off forms at Phil Bedard’s house at 22 Harmony Trail, Hopedale, MA, 01747.


Trip Cost

All payments are past due.  If you still owe payments, send as soon as possible directly to Bruce Hastings, 23 Lucia Drive, Milford, MA 01757.


Alpine Adventure Planning

You will have an opportunity to meet as a group during our July 14th meeting to plan details of your high adventure trip.  Start to think about what you want to accomplish.  Lots of miles (50 miler?).  Lots of peaks?  Visits to alpine lakes?  This will be a scout led adventure.   All details (food, route, duties) will be planned by you guys, with guidance from the camp guides and troop leaders.  The leadership assignments will be announced at the July 14th meeting.


Eagle Point Planning

The troop is reviewing the recently completed surveys on merit badges.  We plan to offer a series of outdoor oriented badges and activities that will challenge and keep you busy, and most importantly, will be fun.  Your team will also be scout led.  Leadership roles, and merit badge selection, will be done at the July 14th meeting.


Equipment Checklist

The following is a personal gear checklist issued by CampTahosa.  It is very similar to the troop gear list, but includes a few items more related to alpine camping.  Pack all these items, and bring to the July14th meeting.  The troop will inspect your packs / bags to ensure that each scout is good to go.


__ Backpack with hip belt

__ Pack cover (can get by with an industrial garbage bag)

__ Sleeping Bag

__ Sleeping Pad

__ Sleeping clothes

__ Bowl, spoon, cup for eating

__ Stuff sacks for bag/pad

__ 2-3 empty Zip-Lock quart size bags

__ 2 one quart water bottles

__ tent (will be issued by the troop, and packed in your luggage at the 7/14 mtg)

Clothing (avoid cotton)

__ hiking boots (broken in)

__ 2 pairs hiking socks

__ 3 pair light/liner type socks (polypro recommended)

__ 3-4 changes of underwear

__ hiking shorts (if synthetic, shorts can easily double as a bathing suit)

__ hiking pants

__ long sleeve shirt

__ 2 short sleeve shirts

__ light weight jacket or fleece

__ sturdy rain gear

__ hat or cap with brim

__ stocking cap and gloves

__ long underwear, top and bottom

Personal Gear

__ small pocketknife

__ matches (in small Ziploc bag)

__ Flashlight or headlamp and extra batteries

__ Compass

__ 2 bandanas

__ toothbrush/paste

__ Biodegradable soap

__ small camp towel

__ sunglasses

__ sunscreen and lip protection

__ very small personal first aid kit (e.g,. bandaids, moleskin, bit of tape)


__ camera (mandatory if doing photography merit badge)

__ lightweight shoes for camp

__ watch

__ fishing equipment

__ note pad and pen

__ money


Items That will be Provided by the Camp (don’t bring): stoves, fuel, repair kits, cook kits/pots, trash bags, dish soap, t-paper, bear bag/rope, maps, collapsible water container, spices, big first aid kit, water filters

Adult Training: CampTahosa will inspect our records to insure all registered leaders have valid Youth Protection training.  Training is good for 2 years.  Please take the training prior to our 7/14 meeting.  See the last newsletter for the link to the online training.  It’s very quick.  Print out and bring the training certificate to the 7/14 meeting.  It is also desirable to have nearly all leaders trained in Safe Swim Defense, and Safety Afloat.  These courses are also online.  The troop can not swim at a troop campout or trip unless we have a leader with current Safe Swim Defense training.

Please call or email me if there are any questions. 

Mark J Hobart

508-916-0993 c

Newsletter 2012-5-28

June Canoe Camping Trip  will be Friday, June 22th through Sunday June and 24th, along the Saco River in New Hampshire and Maine.  We will meet at the parish center on Friday morning at 8:30 AM.  We will return for pick up at the parish center around 5 PM on Sunday.  Scouts need to bring a bag lunch and the items listed on the Troop 4 camping equipment list.  Be sure to waterproof your pack (industrial garbage bags work great).  The Saco River is great for swimming, so be sure to pack your swim suit and towel. 

This river is ideal for Scout canoe trips, as the current is steady (no dangerous rapids) to make the miles go by quick, the water very clear, and the river side wilderness campsites are first rate.   We plan to meet our outfitter around noon, and after a safety briefing, we’ll shove off to paddle the first leg of our trip.  The entire paddle should be about 30-35 miles.  On the last day, the outfitter will meet us to shuttle us back to our cars.

Scouts should bring a bag lunch for Friday, and we will be cooking patrol style over backpacking stoves for the next 5 meals (2dinner, 2bfast, 1 lunch).  Scout patrols will create their own menus and duty rosters at the May 31st troop meeting.  Scouts should pack $5-$10 for a fast food stop on the way home.

If your son will be attending this exciting canoe trip, please complete the attached permission slip and return it to the Troop Scribe at the May 31st troop meeting.  If your son would like to attend but won’t be at the May 31st troop meeting, please call or email Phil Bedard at 508-561-7058 or before May 31st.   We will likely need a couple parents to join us so that we have enough vehicles.  If you can help out please indicate on the permission slip. 

There is a $55 fee per person for this trip to cover the cost of this trip, which includes canoes, paddles, life jackets, fuel, camping and shuttle fees.  Please bring a $55 check made payable to Troop 4 when you drop off your permission slip this Thursday.

Troop Hats

There are still some troop hats left.  $15 each.  If you would like one, stick a note in the scribe box, and we’ll have them the following week. 

Camp Resolute  If you would like to attend Camp Resolute this summer, but have not yet signed up, please do so soon.  Fee for first year scouts is $355.  The early bird period is over, so all other scouts must now pay $385.  Contact Phil Bedard or Brian Weber if interested.

Eagle Court of Honor     Save the date.  An Eagle Court of Honor is scheduled for Thursday, June 14th, at 630PM.  The COH will recognize recent Eagle Scouts Dan Avery and Matt Bedard.  Lots of other rank advancements and merit badges will be presented to the troop’s scouts.  The COH will feature a free catered dinner; Chinese style!  As with all Court of Honor events, families and siblings are encouraged to attend.

Eagle Service Projects!    Support your Eagle Scout candidates.  Please respond positively and attend many of the upcoming Eagle Service Project work parties that are being announced.

Star and Life Scout Service Time    There are many scouts that want to advance to Star and Life next fall.  To do so, you must complete the service time requirement.  Remember that service time MUST be scoutmaster approved.  Playing a significant role on one of this summer’s eagle projects is an ideal way to complete this requirement.  Talk to the various Eagle Scout candidates to see how you can help.  And then contact the scoutmaster with your SPECIFIC service plans BEFORE you do the service time. 


Memorial Day Parade    will be held Monday, May 28.  This is the only parade that the troop attends each year.  As usual, the Troop will assemble at 9:30 AM in the Stop & Shop parking lot (Quarry Square) adjacent to the 99 Restaurant.  Step off will be at 10:00 AM.  The parade will proceed up Main St and briefly stop at the Doughboy Monument in Calzone Park. The parade will end at the Draper War Memorial Park.  Scouts should come in full uniform (not troop t-shirts).  Scouts may be picked up at Draper Park at approximately 1130AM.  Please sign up with the Troop scribe at an upcoming troop meeting if your scout plans to attend.  It’s important for the Troop to have a good showing at this important event.  Attending scouts will get credit for the “participate in a flag ceremony” advancement requirement.




See June Campout Permission Slip on the next page.
Troop Four Permission Slip



For the Troop Four Canoe Camping Trip on New Hampshire’s Saco River on June 22-24, 2012

_____________________________________ has my permission to attend the event as noted above.  If I can not be reached in a medical emergency, I authorize the Adult Leaders to obtain the appropriate medical care, at my expense, if necessary. 

During the event I can be reached at the following telephone # ______________

If I can not be reached, please contact __________________________

at this telephone #______________________ Relationship to scout __________

Signed _____________________________________  Date ____________

Parent Drivers:

I will (please check)                   ___ not be attending

___ attending, and driving to/from the event 

Permission Slip is due at no later than the start of the May 31st troop meeting.  Email or call Phil Bedard at 508-561-7058 before May 31st if your scout would like to attend the trip, but can’t attend the May 31st troop meeting.

For Adults Driving

My vehicle has seat belts to accommodate ____ scouts, including my own scout

There is a $55 fee required for this camping trip.

Newsletter 2012-5-5

Summer Camps.   A reminder that the early bird rate for Camp Resolute summer camp payment ends soon.  To receive the reduced rate of $355, please turn in your payment at the May 10th troop meeting.  The rate for the second scout in a family is $279.  The early bird deadline does not apply to new crossover scouts; you get the early bird rate even if you sign up later.  All checks should be made payable to Troop 4.  There is lots of summer camp information posted on our website.  Attending scouts can sign up for their merit badges at the May 17th Troop Meeting.  Leaders and older scouts will be on hand to assist younger scouts on their merit badge selections.  Camp Tahosa (Colorado) attendees will have their first planning meeting at the May 10th troop meeting, to determine patrol / trek crew structure, leadership positions, and desired merit badges and activities.  Follow up meetings will be schedule to work on equipment preparation and trek destination selections.  Tahosa attendees have been emailed to inform them of their final payment amounts due.  Please bring the final payment to the next troop meeting.

Easter Vigil Ceremony:  Thanks to the scouts who supported our St.Mary’s Easter Vigil ceremony.  Troop 4 scouts played a key role by building and lighting an outstanding campfire that was at the center of the ceremony.  This was a wonderful event, and perhaps could be an annual tradition.

Trip Report – The Pemigewasset Wilderness:   The troop recently returned from an outstanding camping adventure in the Pemi Wilderness in central New Hampshire.  Scouts hiked several miles into the backcountry where we set up camp, and then proceeded to explore the area.  We saw much  evidence of the Hurricane Irene’s fury in this area, which washed out large sections of trail, and the area’s bridges across the river.  Several scouts opted for the extreme edition of this trip, and approached our troop camping area by first ascending the snow capped (4 inches of snow fell overnight) and 5000 foot Franconia ridge.

Advancement:  For those that wish to advance at the next Court of Honor, your deadline for completing rank advancement requirements is the start of the May 24th troop meeting.  Those that finish by this time will be scheduled for their Board of Review at one of the next two following troop meetings.  Deadlines for turning in completed merit badge blue cards (signed off by your councilor!) is also May 31st.  Scouts must turn in their own cards to the Scoutmaster….don’t rely on someone else to turn it in.


May Camping Trip  will be Saturday, May 19th and 20th, at the Troop campsite in Milford.  We will meet at the parish center on Saturday morning at 9:30 AM.  We will return for pick up at the parish center by 11:30 PM on Sunday.  Scouts need to bring a bag lunch and the items listed on the Troop 4 camping equipment list, including their scout handbook.  The list is available on our website.  In lieu of a bagged lunch, scouts may instead select a genuine MRE (meal ready to eat).  MRE’s are military style rations.  A batch was recently donated to the troop by a generous Scouter. 

This local campout at our secluded Troop campsite is very convenient for scouts that have sports games to attend.  Scouts can check out to attend their game, and then return after it is over.  Be sure to indicate on your permission slip if you arriving late, or need to leave for a period, in order to attend a game.

Speaking of Sports…. The scouts have selected SPORTS as the theme of the campout.  The tentative schedule includes Ultimate Frisbee, a Troop softball game, football, waffle ball, and other sports activities.  We will use this opportunity to kick off the Sports merit badge for those scouts interested.  In addition to Sports, Chief Rocketeer Alex Hastings and his patrol of mad Biohazards plan to launch the Big Kahuna, the six foot rocket that has been in construction at recent troop meetings. 

Any scout desiring to reach Tenderfoot, 2nd Class or 1st Class rank by the end of the spring season should attend, as we will be covering many of the remaining advancement requirements at this event.    

We will be cooking patrol style over open wood fires for dinner and breakfast.  Scout patrols will create their own menus and duty rosters at the May 10th troop meeting.  Dutch ovens and dutch oven recipes will be available for scouts that have interest in this cooking technique.  Scouts need to bring a bag lunch for Saturday. 

In addition to the SPORTS theme activities, the troop will also cover advancement requirements and conduct an entertaining Troop evening campfire.  Prizes will be awarded for the best patrol skit, song and stand-up comedy act.  

If your son will be attending this campout, please complete the permission slip and return it to the Troop Scribe at the May 10th troop meeting.  If your son would like to attend but won’t be at the May 10th troop meeting, please call or email Phil Bedard at 508-561-7058 or before May 10th.   We may need a few parents to drive to/from and/or stay for the event.  If you can help out please indicate on the permission slip.  Note that the troop’s Milford campsite has very limited parking, so adults that plan to attend are encouraged to carpool.


Order of the Arrow    Recently elected members to the Order of the Arrow should strongly consider registering for the Spring Ordeal to be held at Camp Resolute on May 11-13.  Scouts can register at  Please contact Life Scout Dev Sgammato, our OA Representative, if you have any questions about the OA, or the upcoming Ordeal.

Troop Hats    Still some left.  $15 each.  If you would like one, stick a note in the scribe box, and we’ll have them the following week.

Eagle Court of Honor   Save the date.  An Eagle Court of Honor is scheduled for Thursday, June 14th, at 630PM.  The COH will recognize recent Eagle Scouts Dan Avery and Matt Bedard.  Lots of other rank advancements and merit badges will be presented to the troop’s scouts.  The COH will feature a free catered dinner; Chinese style!  As with all Court of Honor events, families and siblings are encouraged to attend.

Eagle Service Projects!  Support your Eagle Scout candidates.  Please respond positively and attend many of the upcoming Eagle Service Project work parties that are being announced.


Memorial Day Parade will be held Monday, May 28.  This is the only parade that the troop attends each year.  As usual, the Troop will assemble at 9:30 AM in the Stop & Shop parking lot (Quarry Square) adjacent to the 99 Restaurant.  Step off will be at 10:00 AM.  The parade will proceed up Main St and briefly stop at the Doughboy Monument in Calzone Park. The parade will end at the Draper War Memorial Park.  Scouts should come in full uniform (not troop t-shirts).  Scouts may be picked up at Draper Park at approximately 1130AM.  Please sign up with the Troop scribe at an upcoming troop meeting if your scout plans to attend.  It’s important for the Troop to have a good showing at this important event.  Attending scouts will get credit for the “participate in a flag ceremony” advancement requirement.  

See May Campout Permission Slip on the next page.

Troop Four Permission Slip

For the Troop Four Camping Trip at our Milford Troop Campsite on May 19-20, 2012

_____________________________________ has my permission to attend the event as noted above.  If I can not be reached in a medical emergency, I authorize the Adult Leaders to obtain the appropriate medical care, at my expense, if necessary.

During the event I can be reached at the following telephone # ______________

If I can not be reached, please contact __________________________

at this telephone #______________________ Relationship to scout __________

Signed _____________________________________  Date ____________

Parent Drivers:

I will (please check)                   ___ not be attending

___ drive to the event, but am not staying

___ drive back from the event, but am not staying

___ attending, and driving to/from the event

Note that the drive from the parish center to the campsite is less than 5 minutes!                                                   

Permission Slip is due at no later than the start of the May 10th troop meeting.  Earlier Call Phil Bedard at 508-561-7058 before May 10th if your scout would like to attend the trip, but can’t attend the May 10th troop meeting.

For Adults Driving

My vehicle has seat belts to accommodate ____ scouts, including my own scout

There is no fee required for this camping trip.

Newsletter 2012-03-25

Summer Camp – Resolute:  Please read the recent summer camp letter and camp form packets recently published for this year’s troop adventure at Camp Resolute in Bolton, MA.  Both can be found on the troop website.  Look for a separate troop mailing soon (over the next week or two) with lots of  information on Camp Resolute 2011.  Our troop will be attending from July 8-13.  The summer camp letter included an overview of the camp experience, medical form process, what to bring, etc.  The fees this year are $355/scout ($279 for sibling) if paid up as an early bird by May 10th.  The full rate thereafter is $385/$309.  All payments are made payable to Troop 4. 

 Troop April Campout:  will be Saturday, April 28th through Sunday April 29th at the Pemigewasset Wilderness Area in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. We will meet at the parish center at 8AM so that we have sufficient day light for our backpacking adventures.  We will return for pick up at the parish center by approximately 500 PM on Sunday.  Scouts need to bring: a bag lunch for Saturday and all the items called for on the backpacking checklist on our website.  We will have a special backpacking preparation class at an upcoming troop meeting to help scouts prepare, and to pack light!

The Pemigewasset Wilderness Area is true wilderness camping.  Our trailhead leaves from the Kangamagus Highway.  From the trailhead, we will be hiking along a wild river for most of the day before settling into a remote campsite deep in the forest along the east flank of the Franconia ridge.  We have a chosen a relatively flat route which should provide a good introduction to backpacking for new scouts.   This is prime Moose Country…hopefully we’ll get a glimpse of Bullwinkle on this trip.

 Scouts will be cooking their meals (dinner and breakfast) patrol style using backpacking stoves.  Patrol meal planning will take place at the April 12th troop meeting. Note that April weather can be surprisingly cold, particularly in the White Mountains….so be prepared!

 If you son will be attending the campout, please complete the attached permission slip and return no later than the start of the April 12th troop meeting.  If you son would like to attend but won’t be at this troop meeting, please call or email Phil Bedard at 508-561-7058 or before April 12th.    We may need a few parents to drive and stay for the event.  If you can help out and are up for a backpacking adventure, please indicate on the permission slip.

Swim Night:  The April 5th troop meeting will be a swim night at the Milford High School pool.  Bring swim attire and a towel.  No uniform required, and there is no fee for this event.  Younger scouts will cover important advancement requirements related to swimming and water safety.  We’ll also have pool games, diving, and of course, pizza/drinks to end the night. Normal meeting time: 7pm start (sharp) & 830pm pickup.  The troop pays the pool entrance fee.

Eagle Scout Projects:  Expect to see lots of emails soon from scouts looking for help on their Eagle Scout Service Projects.  Please do all you can to help.

 Pancake Breakfast:  A huge success!  Thanks to all the scouts, leaders, family and friends who made this year’s breakfast one of the best ever.

 Please call Phil Bedard at 508-561-7058 or email at if you have any questions.

 And be sure to frequently visit our great website at


Troop Four Permission Slip      

 For the Troop Four backpacking trip to the Pemigewasset Wilderness Area in New Hampshire on April 28-29, 2012

 _____________________________________ has my permission to attend the event as noted above.  If I can not be reached in a medical emergency, I authorize the Adult Leaders to obtain the appropriate medical care, at my expense, if necessary.

During the event I can be reached at the following telephone # ______________

If I can not be reached, please contact __________________________

 at this telephone #______________________ Relationship to scout __________


Signed _____________________________________  Date ____________


 Parent Drivers:

I will (please check)                    ___ not be attending 

___ attend and drive to/from the event

Permission Slip is due at no later than the start of the April 12th troop meeting.  Call Phil Bedard at 508-561-7058 before April 12th if your scout would like to attend the trip, but can’t attend the April 12th troop meeting. 

Troop 4 Welcomes Another New Scout

Troop 4 has yet another new scout; Taber Grose.  Taber comes from Pack32 and even though his first troop meeting was only a few days ago, he’s already joined right in on the troop’s outdoor program.  Taber hiked over 5 miles with the troop on his first outing, traversing the northern span of the Wapack Range over two 2200 foot peaks.  Great job! and thanks for joining our Troop!

Newsletter 2012-02-25

TROOP 4 Family News Letter –

February 25, 2012



High Adventure Status:

ur high adventure suppliers have provided us a schedule of payments due, and accordingly, we’ve set up the following payment schedule for participants.

January                              $100 deposit (previously paid by all)

March 1st troop meeting     $150 2nd payment due

May 31st troop mtg           Final payment (estimated $300-$350, before personal pancake ticket credit applied)

If an individual scout has already sold $250 or more worth of pancake tickets, they’re $150 2nd payment is covered.

February Winter Sports Weekend Trip Report:  While the snow may not have been that great for the snowmobiles, it was pretty fast for sledding.  A great time had by all.  Thanks a bunch to Mr. Lanciano and Mr. Croteau for their generous hospitality and fun activities.

Troop Skate Night Trip Report: Another winning event; and perhaps a new annual tradition.  Thanks to Mr. Rosa for arranging the logistics, and to scouts Brian and Kevin Spiegelman for conducting the Skating Merit Badge training.

Pancake Breakfast: The breakfast is scheduled for Mar 4th. Tell all your friends and relatives. Thanks to all the scouts who are working hard to sell tickets and advertisements. All scouts have picked up their initial 20 tickets to sell for the breakfast. Nearly $2500 worth of tickets, and $1200 worth of advertising, has been sold so far. Several scouts have sold several hundred dollars of tickets each. Great job! It’s not too late to get more tickets, and to cash in on the outstanding prizes to be given out to the top salesmen. See Evan at the next troop meeting if you need more tickets. Prizes will be based on tickets sold and money turned in by the START of the pancake breakfast.

The pancake breakfast is one of more important troop events of the year. It is our only fundraiser.  All scouts (not parents) are expected to sell their initial $100 allotment of tickets and to participate at the event. Proceeds help not only high adventure, but also allow purchase of all our regular camping gear, too.  The SPL will discuss his plan for scout roles and responsibilities at the pancake breakfast. Plans will be finalized at the March 1st troop meeting.  We will also conduct waiter training at this meeting. If you can’t attend the breakfast because of a serious schedule conflict, you MUST contact the SPL in advance. The venture kitchen staff should report for KP no later than 630 AM sharp. Scouts in charge of a station (ticket booth, camp display, troop store, bake sale, etc) should arrive no later than 7AM. The wait staff (all other scouts) should arrive between 700 – 715AM for set-up and final waiter training, and must be in regular Class A uniform. Cooks (ventures) should wear a Troop 4 T-Shirt. Looking forward to seeing you there!

We will also likely have a bake sale table to sell goods donated by interested troop families.  Keep an eye out for more information from the troop committee soon.

Troop Day Hike:  will be Saturday, March 17th at along the Wapack Trail in southern NH.  We will meet at the parish center at 8AM so that we have sufficient day light for the hike.  We will return for pick up at the parish center by approximately 5:30 PM that evening.  Scouts need to bring: a bag lunch, poncho or rain coat if it looks like rain that day, boots, a hat and gloves/mittens.  A spare pair of socks is a must to bring.  If the weather is cold, bring a warm coat as well.  Scouts should bring two quarts/liters of water (no soda, juice, punch, etc.).  Do not bring water in disposable water bottles – get a canteen or hiking water bottle at Wal-Mart, Target, etc. for about $5-$10; they last forever.  Scouts need to bring a day pack (school pack will work fine) to carry their personal and troop gear for the day.

The Wapack Trail is a great place to hike and explore.  The historic ridge trail was the first distance trail created in New England, and extends for 20 miles from Mt. Watatic in north-central MA, to Pack Monadnock in southern NH.  The troop did the first 10 miles of this trail many years ago, and we plan to do the northern section this time. We will divide the scouts into age/ability groups and cover distances that are comfortable for each group.  Younger scouts will tackle a 5mile route, and older scouts working on the hiking merit badge will tackle a 10 mile route.

At the end of the hike we will have some of Troop 4’s famous fried dough!  No fast food stops are planned for this trip, so no pocket money is needed.

If your son will be attending the hike, please complete the attached permission slip and return it no later than the March 8th troop meeting.  If you son would like to attend but won’t be at this troop meeting, please call or email Phil Bedard at 508-561-7058 or   We will need a few parents to drive to/from and/or stay for the event.  If you can help out please indicate on the permission slip.

SCOUTS – Camping Merit Badge Trek Plan Opportunity:  For scouts looking to fulfill the camping merit badge “trek plan” requirement, here is a great opportunity.  The troop will give credit to any scout who drafts a compliant trek plan for the March day hike.  Use the web for your research, where you should be able to find simple trail maps, road maps and town/park details.  Your plan must include a simple trail map with a suggested 5mile hiking route.  The Wapack Trail website offers a good map.  You must also include a road map (e.g., google map) with your suggested driving route from Milford to the start of your proposed hike.  Include local emergency numbers (police/fire), address of nearby hospital, troop leadership contact information (can be found on this newsletter), and your suggested schedule/itinerary for the day.  In the very unlikely event that we have trouble on the trail, a good trek plan, left behind at home and on our car windshields, would help guide friends/family and rescue workers to our aid.    In addition to merit badge credit for all entries, a great prize for the best Trek Plan will be awarded.

Troop Four Website: Please frequent the Troop 4 website at:

Please call the Phil Bedard at 508-561-7058 or email at if you have any questions.


Troop Four Permission Slip      

 For the Troop Four day hike to the Wapack Trail in Southern NH on March 17th, 2012

_____________________________________ has my permission to attend the event as noted above.  If I can not be reached in a medical emergency, I authorize the Adult Leaders to obtain the appropriate medical care, at my expense, if necessary.

During the event I can be reached at the following telephone # ______________

If I can not be reached, please contact __________________________

at this telephone #______________________ Relationship to scout __________

Signed _____________________________________  Date ____________

Parent Drivers:

I will (please check)                   ___ not be attending

___ attend and drive to/from the event 

Permission Slip is due at no later than the March 8th troop meeting.  Call Phil Bedard at 508-561-7058 if your scout would like to attend the day hike trip, but can’t attend the March 8th troop meeting.

 For Adults Driving (this information is needed for us to apply for BSA tour permit):

Vehicle Make: _______________

Vehicle Model: _______________

Vehicle Year: ________________

Drivers License #______________ Required for first time troop drivers only.  Note that this is the driver’s license number, not plate number.

There is no fee required for this hiking trip.

OA Invitation and FAQ for Upcoming Banquet

Hello OA members (and newly elected members).  Dev, your OA rep, passed on this info related to the upcoming banquet.   If interested, please attend.  Thanks

Subject: Banquet on Saturday 2/4/12
Reply-To: Bill Mills-Curran, Lodge Adviser <>

The early bird banquet registration has passed, but you can still register at:

Frequently asked questions:

Q: Can I still sign up?
A: Yes

Q: Can I bring a friend?
A: Yes

Q: Can I bring a non-arrowman guest?
A: Yes

Q: Can I bring a girl friend?
A: Yes

Q: Can I bring my Dad?
A: Yes

Q: Can I bring my Mom?
A: Yes

Q: Can I bring money to buy cool patches?
A: Yes

Q: Can I pay my annual dues at the banquet?
A: Yes

(I’m the “yes” man.)


Newsletter 2012-01-29

TROOP 4 Family News Letter –

January 29, 2012



High Adventure Status:

The camp Tahosa roster is firming up.  We currently have a roster of 31 scouts and adults.  Over the next month, the high adventure team will put together a plan/schedule for our preparations.  Stay tuned.

Be aware that it is still possible to add folks to the roster.  If we add you soon to the roster (i.e., the next couple weeks), the price will likely remain the same.  We will re-quote additional airfare with Southwest in a couple weeks to accommodate any additional scouts / parents that want to join us.  See Phil Bedard if interested.

February Winter Sports Weekend:

The annual NH Winter Sports Weekend is almost upon us. The Lanciano’s have once again graciously invited the troop to their mountaintop alpine adventure base in Alexandria NH. Venture scouts (high school) are eligible to depart with the advance party on Friday. Ventures will meet and depart at the St. Mary’s Parish Center on Friday February 10th at 6pm.  As a fundraising incentive, the Biohazard Patrol (8th graders) are also eligible to depart with the advanced Friday if they work extra hard on the pancake breakfast fundraiser, by selling at least $250 worth of tickets.

All other scouts will meet and depart from the Parish Center on Saturday February 11th at 8 am. Scouts will return from the event for pickup at the Parish Center at 3 pm on Sunday. All scouts should eat a meal before they depart, as there will be no meal stop on the ride up north.

Don’t forget your sled on this trip.  Intense sledding is the main feature.  For safety, scouts are encouraged to bring a ski helmet or sport helmet if they have one.  Interested scouts can also try their hand at cross country skiing and snowshoeing.  There is no fee for this camping trip.

All scouts should bring a bag lunch on Saturday.  All scouts will cook outdoor patrol style meals for Saturday dinner and Sunday breakfast. We’ll stop for a fast food lunch on the ride home. Meal planning will be done by scouts at the Feb 2nd troop meeting. Meals will be cooked by patrols outdoors over their wood fire.

Scouts will be sleeping in the wood stove heated luxury of the Lanciano cabin ground level (aka basement). While no tents are required, scouts should bring their full complement of winter camping gear (see website checklist), including sleeping pad and sleeping bag.

A permission slip (attached at the end of this newsletter) for this event is due at the beginning of the Feb 2nd  Troop Meeting. Remember, as with all camping trips, if you sign up to go, and something comes up at the last minute, you must make arrangements to provide your assigned food items to your patrol leader.

NOTE – If you can’t go to the Feb 2nd meeting, and want to go on the trip, you must email Phil Bedard before Feb 2nd so that your patrol leader can include you in the plan. We need to enforce this rule for this camping trip. Late permission slips have made it difficult for patrol meal planning, and difficult for transportation planning.

Order of the Arrow Election is complete.  Congratulations to our newly elected members.  New members will receive some welcome information from the Lodge over the next month or two.  Questions can be directed to the Scoutmaster, or the Troops OA Rep, Dev Sgammato.

Troop Skate Night: Thanks to Mr. Rosa for arranging a reservation of the Gillete Stadium outdoor skating rink at Patriot’s Place in Foxboro.  We have the rink all to ourselves, from 6pm – 730pm on Thursday February 23rd.  This is our usual “off” school vacation Thursday, however, the opportunity was too good to pass up, so we’ve scheduled this fun optional event.  Scouts, siblings and parents are all welcome to attend.  Cost is only $5, which includes not only the skating, but skate rentals, too.  Our expert scout skaters will coordinate a Skating Merit Badge class at the event.  Many of the badge requirements can be covered right at the event. We also hope to play a bit of hockey, so bring your stick.  It would be helpful if attending parents can drive/carpool their own scouts directly to this event.  However, if there are a few scouts that need a ride, we will coordinate transportation, and those scouts can meet at the parish center at 515pm sharp.  We anticipate returning back home before 9pm.  In addition to the campout permission slip, we’ve also added a Skating Night permission slip to back of this newsletter.  To determine headcount/transportation, we need this slip returned no later than the Feb 16th troop meeting.   Earlier is better.


Koosh Re-invigorated: Thanks to Mr. Allemao for doubling our supply of Koosh balls!  The game is back tto it’s original fast pace. 

Pancake Ticket Sales: Thanks to all scouts for selling over $2100 in pancake tickets so far.  That’s an average of $50 per scout…with a month still to go!  Great job.  Remember that all scouts are expected to sell at least $100 worth of tickets.  This is our only troop fundraiser of the year.  Thanks!

Advancement:  Final round of Board of Reviews is next Thursday, Feb 2nd.  Scouts should come prepared per the instructions discussed in Scoutmaster Conferences.

Troop Eagle Court of Honor: will be Thursday, February 9th from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM at St. Mary’s parish center.  Note that this is a date change:  it’s been pushed ahead one week.

This Court of Honor will feature rank advancement and many merit badges from summer camp and summer adventures.  We will be doing the Troop’s famous pot-luck style dinner.  Families with last name starting with letters M-Z are asked to bring a main dish.  Last names A-L please bring a desert item.  All families should bring 1-two liter bottle of chilled soft drink.  The troop supplies all paper goods and silverware.  You will receive a call or email from a committee member before hand to work out the details, in order to avoid duplicate dishes.   New scouts, family members and siblings are all encouraged to attend this family event.


Troop Four Website: Please frequent the Troop 4 website at:

Please call the Phil Bedard at 508-561-7058 or email at if you have any questions.

Troop Four Permission Slip

For the Troop Four Camping Trip on February 10-12 at the Lanciano Cabin in Alexandria NH

_____________________________________ has my permission to attend the event as noted above and below.  If I can not be reached in a medical emergency, I authorize the Adult Leaders to obtain the appropriate medical care, at my expense, if necessary.

During the event I can be reached at the following telephone # ______________

If I can not be reached, please contact __________________________

at this telephone #______________________ Relationship to scout __________

Signed _____________________________________  Date ____________

Scouts, please check 1 box

____ I am a venture, or a Biohazard with $250 in pancake ticket sales, and I plan to go with the Friday advanced crew

____ I plan to depart with the Saturday crew

Parent, please check 1 box

____ I would like to come, too, and can drive ____ scouts (including my own).  I will depart with the advance team on Friday

____ I would like to come, too, and can drive ____ scouts (including my own).  I will depart with the Saturday crew

____ I don’t plan to participate

Permission Slip is due at the Feb 2nd troop meeting.    Call Phil Bedard before Feb 2nd at 508-561-7058 if your scout would like to attend the camping trip, but can’t attend the Feb 2nd meeting to sign up.

There is no fee for this trip


Troop Four Permission Slip

For the February 23rd Skate Night at Patriots Place – Foxboro, MA

_____________________________________ has my permission to attend the event as noted above and below.  If I can not be reached in a medical emergency, I authorize the Adult Leaders to obtain the appropriate medical care, at my expense, if necessary.

During the event I can be reached at the following telephone # ______________

If I can not be reached, please contact __________________________

at this telephone #______________________ Relationship to scout __________

Signed _____________________________________  Date ____________

Please check 1 box

____ I will handle my son’s transportation

____ I will handle my son’s transportation, and can drive ___ additional scouts

____ I will not be attending with my son.  Please arrange for a volunteer to drive him

Total skating attendees from our family, including my scout is ________

The troop will get in touch with volunteer drivers after the headcount is in.  Thanks!

There is a $5 fee per person to offset the rental fee for the rink.  Check payable to Troop 4, or cash in an envelope with scout’s name on it.

Permission Slip is due at the Feb 16th troop meeting.    Call Phil Bedard before Feb 16th at 508-561-7058 if your scout would like to attend the skating event, but can’t attend the Feb 16th meeting to sign up.

Note to Town Residents – Tree Pick Up

Hello Milford residents!  Many of you have come to our website looking for information on the Christmas tree pickup.  Here’s the deal.  Leave your tree by the curb by 8AM on Sunday January 8th.  Tape an envelope marked “scouts” with $5 donation (cash or check payable to Milford Scouts) to your front door such that it is visible from the road.  We recommend that you don’t put the donatoin out the night before…wait until morning.  Scouts and scout leaders from one of the town’s Cub Scout packs, or Boy Scout troops, will come by between 830AM and Noon to pick up your tree.  They likely will only come by once, so please have it out on the curb by 8AM.  Thanks for your support!  Happy New Year!

Newsletter 2011-12-31

TROOP 4 Family News Letter

December 31, 2011 


Hi Adventure Presentation: All parents are strongly encouraged to attend a portion of the Jan 5th troop meeting (745pm – 830pm) for a special 2012 High Adventure presentation.  We will provide an overview of our destination (Camp Tahosa Colorado, July 21-28).  We have 5 scout veterans from our 2008 Tahosa adventure that will speak to you.  We’ll also have detailed information to handout, to include a photo presentation, and info on the cost, schedule, deadlines and fundraising.  This trip is truly the experience of a lifetime, and the troop offers great opportunities to bring the cost down to an affordable level. Even if you think you are not interested, please attend to learn more.  The presentation will be followed up one week later with a collection of $100 deposits for those scouts interested.  Early deposits are needed to secure good rates on air fare.

For new scouts, please note that the High Adventure trip is scheduled in addition to a local week of troop summer camp.  New scouts who joined in the fall are welcome to attend one or both camps.  Details on the local summer camp (July 8-13, Camp Resolute – Bolton MA) will be provided in late winter.

January Winter Camping Trip will be Saturday January 21, 2011 through Sunday January 22.  We will be camping in the town of Upton’s Peppercorn Forest, site of past Troop 4 Eagle Service Projects, campouts and Troop hikes.  Peppercorn Forest is a large town forest with lots of trails.  A troop scouting team recently discovered a secluded camping spot that is perfect for winter camping. The main campout spot is a large site, perfect for the Pedro Patrol (adults) and younger patrols.  Older patrols may fan out to claim one of three small hilltop campsites overlooking the main site.  The cluster of sites is near good sledding, a scenic cascade, and a small shallow pond, perfect for a troop boot hockey game.

Planned activities include sledding, hiking, animal tracking, hockey, snowshoeing, and perhaps some night-time model rocket launches.  At this winter camping trip we will be doing some aluminum foil cooking (no pots and pans to clean) and Dutch oven cooking.  The winter is a great time to do this type of cooking because you need good warm fires to cook – and to stay warm with, too!

We will be using the regular troop tents to sleep in Saturday night.  However, depending on the snow cover, some scouts may choose to build and sleep in snow caves.  Several scouts made these shelters last year and actually slept much warmer than the rest of us in our tents (see the photos on the troop website from last January).  The Troop 4 Website has a list of gear needed for a one night winter campout.  Most scouts already have most of the gear and anything else is usually around in the scouts homes.

We will be patrol cooking for Saturday dinner and Sunday breakfast.  Scouts should bring a bag lunch for Saturday (no soda).  A plastic sled comes in very handy on this trip, for both sledding and for hauling in your gear.  If you have one, please bring it.  Please take the time to securely tie your gear to your sled and/or backpack before arriving at the parish center.  The hike in to the campsite is approximately 1 mile.

We will meet at St. Mary’s parish center at 9:00 AM on Saturday January 21.  Patrols will have an opportunity to assemble their ingredients into tin-foil cooking packets using the parish center kitchen before we depart.  We will need a few parents to drive to/from the site.  We will return for pick up on Sunday, January 22 by 11:30AM.

We will be planning the trip at the January 12 troop meeting.  If your son is planning to attend, please return the attached permission slip by the January 12 troop meeting.  If your son can’t make the January 12 troop meeting but wants to attend, please call or email Phil Bedard before that date so we can include him in planning for the event.

Winter camping is fun and a great outdoor experience – and not that difficult.  The adult leaders and troop have many years of winter camping experience and all of our trips have been a great time.  Hope for lots of snow cover!  There is no fee for this campout.

Town Christmas Tree Pick Up:  is Sunday, January 8.    This is a fun combination fund raiser and service project that we participate in with other scout units in town.  We are looking for one or two more parents with pick up trucks or trailers to drive around our assigned territory in Milford to pick up the trees and transport them to the town disposal area.  Our trucks leave the parish center at 8:30 AM sharp, and we will not return to the parish center until the end of the event, so please be on time.  The event ends at noon.  Please sign up at the Jan 5th troop meeting if you can participate.

Order of the Arrow Election: is scheduled for Thursday, Jan 12th at the regular troop meeting.  A separate mailing will be sent shortly directly to those scouts who meet the eligibility requirements for this BSA honor society.   Questions can be directed to the Scoutmaster, or the Troops OA Rep, Dev Sgammato.

Koosh Deficit: Our inventory of prized Koosh balls has been slowly dwindling over the years.  The original set purchased soon after the birth of the troop is down to six balls, which has slowed down the pace of this exciting troop game.  An internet search turned up zilch.  If anyone knows where to obtain koosh balls, please inform the SM or SPL.  Thanks!


Advancement:  Due to the upcoming Court of Honor, and our need to schedule Scoutmaster Conferences and Board of Reviews in advance, all scouts who want to receive rank advancement or merit badges at the next Court of Honor should plan on wrapping up all outstanding requirements no later than the January 19th troop meeting.  For merit badges, that means a councilor-signed blue card must be turned in to the Scoutmaster by that date.  Candidates for advancement will receive notice of their scheduled Board of Review date shortly.

Upper Ranks Participation and Leadership Requirements:  Scouts advancing to Star, Life & Eagle must keep in mind that their rank includes an active participation requirement.  As published in our kickoff newsletter each year, the Scoutmaster & Troop Committee have provided guidance that this requirement requires scout participation in at least 50% of troop meeting and campout activities.  Please see the kickoff newsletter (in the website archives), or contact the Scoutmaster, for additional guidance on active troop participation.  In addition, scouts advancing to upper ranks must satisfy the rank’s leadership requirement.  Scouts should be prepared at their Board of Review to answer how they have effectively, and on their own initiative, led their fellow scouts while serving on their leadership assignments.  If unclear, scouts should seek advice from the Scoutmaster or Assistant Scoutmasters on how to successfully meet this leadership requirement.  Also note that there is a new JASM schedule for leading the cleanup at the parish center after each troop meeting.  All JASMs need to inspect the new schedule and take charge on their turn.  If you cannot attend your assigned night, you must make arrangements with another JASM to lead the cleanup.

Troop Eagle Court of Honor: will be Thursday, February 2nd from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM at St. Mary’s parish center.

This Court of Honor will feature rank advancement and many merit badges from summer camp and summer adventures.  We will be doing the Troop’s famous pot-luck style dinner.  Families with last name starting with letters M-Z are asked to bring a main dish.  Last names A-L please bring a desert item.  All families should bring 1-two liter bottle of chilled soft drink.  The troop supplies all paper goods and silverware.  You will receive a call or email from a committee member before hand to work out the details, in order to avoid duplicate dishes.   New scouts, family members and siblings are all encouraged to attend this family event. 

Troop Four Website: Please frequent the Troop 4 website at:

Please call the Phil Bedard at 508-561-7058 or email at if you have any questions.


Troop Four Permission Slip

 For the Troop Four Camping Trip on January 21-22 at the Peppercorn Forest in Upton, MA

_____________________________________ has my permission to attend the event as noted above and below.  If I can not be reached in a medical emergency, I authorize the Adult Leaders to obtain the appropriate medical care, at my expense, if necessary.

During the event I can be reached at the following telephone # ______________

If I can not be reached, please contact __________________________

at this telephone #______________________ Relationship to scout __________

Signed _____________________________________  Date ____________

Parents, please check 1 box

____ I would like to camp, too, and can drive ____ scouts both ways

____ I’m not available to participate, but can drive there & take ___ scouts

____ I’m not available to participate, but can drive back & take ___ scouts

Permission Slip is due at the Jan 12th troop meeting.    Call Phil Bedard at 508-561-7058 if your scout would like to attend the camping trip, but can’t attend the Jan 12th meeting to sign up.

 There is no fee for this trip

Troop Hats

There will be a sign-up sheet at the Dev 8th troop meeting for Troop 4 Baseball Caps….or as the SPL calls them “Covers” (military speak).  Anticipated cost is ~$15.  No money now….due after the holidays when the caps come in.  If you or your scout is interested, have him sign up at one of the December troop meetings 15th.  We will place the order before the holidays and we hope to have them in at the start of the new year.

Newsletter 2011-11-30

TROOP 4 Family News Letter –

November 30, 2011



Swim Night:  This week’s troop meeting (Dec 1st) will be a swim night at the Milford High School pool.  Bring swim attire and a towel.  No uniform required, and there is no fee for this event.  Younger scouts will cover important advancement requirements related to swimming and water safety.  We’ll also have pool games, diving, and of course, pizza/drinks to end the night. Normal meeting time: 7pm start (sharp) & 830pm pickup.  The troop pays the pool entrance fee.


Holiday Party: The troop’s holiday party will be at the December 22nd troop meeting.  Scouts that want to participate in our annual Yankee Swap gift exchange can do so by bringing an inexpensive wrapped gift in the $10-$15 range.  Note that this will be the last troop meeting of the year.  There is no troop meeting on Thursday 12/29/11.

Troop 4 Racing Success: Congratulations to sixteen Troop 4 scouts, leaders and family members that participated in the recent Milford High School Boosters 5K race on chilly Thanksgiving morning.  Out of 380 racers, Matt Bedard came in 8th, Andrew Fauerbach placed among the leaders in the youth category (14 and under), zipping effortlessly past the scoutmaster in the process, and Andrew Gallagher turned in a new 5K personal record time (a “PR”).  Nolan “the purple flash” Hobart also turned in a great run, and was instrumental in coaching his dad across the finish line.  The Hobart’s also received the award for the most family members in the race (7!).

January Winter Camping Trip will be Saturday January 21, 2011 through Sunday January 22.  We will be camping in the town of Upton’s Peppercorn Forest, site of past and present Troop 4 Eagle Service Projects.  Peppercorn Forest is a large town forest with lots of trails.  A troop scouting team recently discovered a secluded camping spot that is perfect for winter camping. The main campout spot is a large site, perfect for the Pedro Patrol (adults) and younger patrols.  Older patrols may fan out to claim one of three small hilltop campsites overlooking the main site.  The cluster of sites is near good trail sledding, the “gorge of doom”, and a small pond, perfect for hockey.

Planned activities include sledding, hiking, animal tracking, snowshoeing, and perhaps some night-time model rocket launches.  At this winter camping trip we will be doing some aluminum foil cooking (no pots and pans to clean) and Dutch oven cooking.  The winter is a great time to do this type of cooking because you need good warm fires to cook – and to stay warm with, too!

We will be using the regular troop tents to sleep in Saturday night.  However, depending on the snow cover, some scouts may choose to build and sleep in snow caves.  Several scouts made these shelters last year and actually slept much warmer than the rest of us in our tents.  The Troop 4 Website has a list of gear needed for a one night winter campout.  Most scouts already have most of the gear and anything else is usually around in the scouts homes.

We will be patrol cooking for Saturday dinner and Sunday breakfast.  Scouts should bring a bag lunch for Saturday (no soda).  A plastic sled comes in very handy on this trip, for both sledding and for hauling in your gear.  If you have one, please bring it.  Please take the time to securely tie your gear to your sled before arriving at the parish center.  The hike in to the campsite is approximately 1 mile.

We will meet at St. Mary’s parish center at 9:00 AM on Saturday January 21.  Patrols will have an opportunity to assemble their ingredients into tin-foil cooking packets using the parish center kitchen before we depart.  We will need a few parents to drive to/from the site.  We will return for pick up on Sunday, January 22 by 11:30AM.

We will be planning the trip at the January 12 troop meeting.  If your son is planning to attend, please return the attached permission slip by the January 12 troop meeting.  If your son can’t make the January 12 troop meeting but wants to attend, please call or email Phil Bedard before that date so we can include him in planning for the event.

Winter camping is fun and a great outdoor experience – and not that difficult.  The adult leaders and troop have many years of winter camping experience and all of our trips have been a great time.  Hope for lots of snow cover!  There is no fee for this campout.

Town Christmas Tree Pick Up:  is Sunday, January 8.    This is a fun combination fund raiser and service project that we participate in with other scout units in town.  We are looking for one or two more parents with pick up trucks or trailers to drive around our assigned territory in Milford to pick up the trees and transport them to the town disposal area.  Our trucks leave the parish center at 8:30 AM sharp, and we will not return to the parish center until the end of the event, so please be on time.  The event ends at noon.  Please call or email Ken Matondi at if you can participate.


Troop Knife Contest: will be at the December 15 troop meeting.  Scouts can bring a knife that they can use under the troop/BSA rules and enter it in the competition for sharpest, best looking, and most functional.  There will be prizes for the winners.  Sheath knives, which are only allowed by Life Scouts upon approval by the Troop Committee, parent and Scoutmaster, will be judged as a separate category.

Pig Roast Campout Report.  A great time was had by all at the Troop’s Pig Roast and Webelos campout at the Troop campsite in November.  30 Troop 4 scouts, 10 Webelos and many parents attended.  The venture scouts did a superb job managing the field kitchen, efficiently roasting the pig and preparing and serving a variety of tasty side dishes.  Scouts also organized and led a variety of fun contests and events, including the archery range and an orienteering course.  A big thanks goes to the scout and troop leadership for organizing a great campout, and for obtaining the many supplies and equipment needed,

Scouting for Food Success:  Thanks to all the scouts and leaders who participated in the Scouting for Food event, which was a big success.  Ten Troop 4 scouts worked on the Sunday of the event to help sort arriving food; a great showing.  Thanks to Bruce Hastings for volunteering to supervise this year’s event.

Special Service Event: Decoration of the Town Nativity Scene:  The troop will once again decorate the town’s nativity scene in Draper Park.  The troop is looking for scout volunteers to help.  We plan to use pine boughs to decorate the nativity scene on Saturday December 10thth (tentative), at 9:30AM. Date depends on town installation of the nativity scene.  An email will go out before the event to confirm.  Please meet at Draper Park (near the general on the horse).  We will wrap up by 10:30AM.  Pick-up will be at the same spot.


Advancement:  There are many merit badges in progress. Some scouts are wrapping up the fall edition of the Personal Fitness Merit Badge.  Communications Merit Badge is in high gear, and will ramp up again with a Pancake Ad Sales planning and training session on Dec 8th.  Scouts on this badge must also perform a 5min speech at a troop meeting (contact the SM or SPL to schedule), must complete a leadership role at either the Court of Honor (Feb) or an upcoming campout Campfire program, and attend a government (town, commission or committee) meeting.  Personal Management recently kicked off with Mr. Lanciano and Mr. Rosa in mid November.  Mr. Allemao has recently met twice with the Woodcarving MB crew.  And scouts were recently introduced to the Indian Lore MB.  Interested scouts should continue to work these badges at home, and should consult with their Merit Badge Councilor along the course of their completing remaining requirements.  Many other badges are fair game, too.  Just be sure to get a scoutmaster signed merit badge blue card AND speak to the merit badge councilor BEFORE you begin any badge work.  Councilors are listed on the troop website.  Tenderfoot, 2nd Class, 1st Class and Star advancement are all in high gear, too, with many expected to advance at the next Court of Honor.  Remember – those wishing to partake in snowmobiling activities at the Feb campout must be Star rank; a big incentive to advance!  If you wish it to be presented your badge/rank at the next COH, you must finish all badge and rank advancement requirements by Jan 12th.

Venture Climbing Activity:  The troop has arranged for a venture climbing trip to Central Rock Gym in Worcester on December 15th.  Interested scouts must email ( Mr. Hobart to RSVP by December 5th.  Reference his earlier email for additional details, including a required waiver that must be signed.  Scouts will depart from the parish center at 615pm sharp.  The session includes training by certified climbing instructors.  Return to the parish center for pickup will be at approximately 945PM (tentative).  If the crew is relatively small, the attending adults may be able to drop scouts off directly at home.  Once the final headcount is determined, Mr.Hobart will reach out to those attending with some return time/location updates.  Cost for training and climbing time will be $22 per person (check made payable to Troop 4).


Troop Four Website: Please frequent the Troop 4 website at:

Please call the Phil Bedard at 508-561-7058 or email at if you have any questions.

Mt. Washington – 2011

Order of the Arrow Ordeal – 2011

Blackstone Canoe Race – 2011

Memorial Day Parade – 2011

Memorial Day Cemetery Flagging – 2011

Cemetery Grave Flagging

Sign in with Mr.Hastings when you arrive.   Pine grove cemetery.

Newsletter 2011-05-22


Many scouts are wrapping up Advancement to Tenderfoot, 2nd Class, 1st Class and Life. Board of Reviews are scheduled for May 26th and June 2nd. Your scout will be notified of his scheduled time. Advancing scouts must bring their scout handbook for each of the next two meetings, and be sure their uniform looks sharp, and includes neckerchief and slide. At each scout’s scoutmaster conference, the scoutmaster will provide advice to help scouts prepare for the BOR.

Summer Camp (Last Call)

We have nearly 30 scouts signed up for camp already – a banner year! We also have excellent adult leader coverage scheduled for the entire week. If your scout wants to get in on this great summer camp experience, please bring your payment (made payable to Troop 4) to an upcoming troop meeting. Medical forms are due at or before the June 9th Court of Honor. If you have questions on the medical forms, please contact the troop medical records officer, Brian “Bones” Weber at Merit badge selection will take place at the June 2nd troop meeting. Please review the offerings listed in the summer camp parent/scout guide, which can be found on our website. Older scouts and adult leaders will be available at the June 2nd meeting to help your scout make good merit badge selections.

Merit Badges

Those working the Inventing Merit Badge, and who want to receive it at the next COH, need to bring their invention model, and their workbook written entries to the 5/26 troop meeting. The councilor will then contact your scout to arrange a final meeting to close out the discussion requirements. Those scouts working other badges, that want the badge to count toward upper rank advancement at this coming COH, must turn in their councilor signed blue cards to the scoutmaster no later than the end of the 5/26 troop meeting.

Troop Picnic Table

A big thanks goes to the venture scouts who worked with Mr. Hobart to construct an outstanding picnic table, complete with overhanging bar for lanterns, etc, at our Troop campsite. The construction team included James L, Ben, Christian, Richard and Mike M. This table is a great addition to the troop campsite. Please check out the upcoming photo to be posted on the website.

Senior Patrol Leader Election

The SPL eleciton has been scheduled for the June 2nd Troop Meeting. All interested candidates (Star and above) should come prepared to give a short speech to their fellow scouts about their candidacy just prior to the vote. This is an extremely important troop position, and those up to the challenge will acquire great leadership skills over their term in office, that will help them not only in Scouting, but also for the rest of their life.

Order of the Arrow

Congratulations to our new OA members who recently completed the Ordeal (DJ, Sam L, Justin and Alex H). Check out the upcoming photo on the troop website.

Troop T-Shirts

We’re looking for a few more customers. We will have one last opportunity to sign up at the June Court of Honor. Our plan is to purchase these before summer camp. If interested in purchasing one of these smart looking shirts for $10, please sign up and indicate your size (Youth M, L, Adult S, M, L, XL, XXL). These shirts are great for scouts, parents, and siblings. Class B shirts are also highly recommended for those attending summer camp. No payment required until delivery.

Memorial Day Grave Flagging

The town will be conducting its annual flagging of veteran graves on May 28th starting at 8AM. Those scouts and parents participating from our troop have been asked to help at the Pine Grove Cemetery. Participation counts as service time, so please check in and register with Troop 4’s cemetery flagging rep, Mr. Bruce Hastings, when you arrive so you can get service time credit. Class A uniform required. Pick up time will depend on the level of activity required, so check with Mr. Hastings upon arrival.

Court of Honor

A Troop 4 Court of Honor will be held on June 9th form 630 – 830PM as the St.Mary’s Parish Hall. We will be doing the troop’s famous “pot-luck” dinner. Families are asked to bring a dish and some drinks as follows: Last names A-J please bring a main dish. Last names K-R please bring a side dish/salad. Last names S-Z please bring a desert. All families please bring a cold 2 liter bottle of soft drink. At the Court of Honor, we’ll presenting all the badges of rank and merit badges that scouts have earned since the last court of honor. All family members are invited.

White Water Rafting Trip

The trip is from Friday, June 24 through Sunday June 26th. We will meet at the parish center at 9AM. We will return for pick up at the parish center by 330PM on Sunday. We will stop for fast food lunches on the way up and back, but scouts are welcome to bring a bag lunch if they prefer. Scouts also need to bring all the typical items that are found on the Troop 4 camping equipment list. The list is available on our website.

As we did two years ago, we will be using the Adventure Bound outfitters. They will provide the boats, wetsuits, all equipment, and even the expert guides that will ride in each boat. Friday is a travel day to our “resort” campsite, complete with pool, hot tub, game and movie rooms. Saturday is whitewater day. Our river course follows the Kennebec River. The outfitter provides lunch on the river. Monday is our return trip home. Scouts will be cooking patrol-style using camping stoves. Patrols will plan their meals at the May 26th troop meeting. The adult leader “Pedro Patrol” will also begin meal planning soon, and will contact all attending adults with a grocery assignment.

Final payments are due at the 5/26 troop meeting. Please make check payable to Troop 4. Amount due per person is $85, less what you have paid to date. An email with specific amounts due for each scout was recently mailed out. Also, please complete the attached permission slip, to provide us with emergency contact info, and so that we can start planning the transportation.

Please note that all participants also need a completed and signed waiver form. The form was issued with this newsletter email.

If you son will be attending the June whitewater trip, please complete the attached permission slip and waiver, and return it to the Troop Scribe at the June 2nd troop meeting (earlier is better). If your son would like to attend but won’t be at the meetings when forms and payments are due, please call or email Phil Bedard at 508-561-7058 or We will need a few parents to help with the driving to this event. If you can help out please indicate on the permission slip.

Memorial Day Parade

The parade will be held Monday, May 30. This is the only parade that the troop attends each year. Scouts should meet in the Stop and Shop parking lot near the 99 Restaurant at 9:30 AM in full uniform. Scouts may be picked up at Draper Park at Noon. Please notify Phil Bedard if your scout plans to attend. It’s important for the Troop to have a good showing at this important event.

Scouts Help Town Clear Snow – February 2011

Pancake Breakfast Photos – February 2011

Seven Sisters Troop Hike (Holyoke Range) – March 2011

Mount Monadnock – April 2011

Newsletter 2011-03-20

Summer Camp:

Look for a separate troop mailing soon (over the next week or two) with lots of information on Camp Resolute 2011. Our troop will be attending from July 17-22. The mailing will include an overview of the camp experience, medical form process, what to bring, etc. The fees this year are $340/scout ($269 for sibling) if paid up as an early bird by May 12th. The full rate thereafter is $370/$299. All payments are made payable to Troop 4. Much more summer camp detail is being emailed separately. We will also be holding a Summer Camp info session for scouts and parents at an upcoming troop meeting.

Eagle Court of Honor:

The Eagle Court of Honor for Stephen Ward, and to recognize all other scout awards and advancement, is Thursday, March 24th from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM at St. Mary’s parish center. There will be a dinner before the awards ceremony. Scouts should come in full uniform, including neckerchief and slide. Parents and siblings are enthusiastically invited. Families with last names beginning with A-J are asked to support the dinner by bringing two bottles of soft drink (2 liter size), and those families with last names beginning with K-Z are asked to bring a dessert item. Thanks.

Life Scouts:

There will be a Knox Trail Council “Life to Eagle Seminar” on Monday, April 11th at 6:30 pm at Tatnuck Booksellers in Westborough. If interested, please attend. While the content is similar to the guidance that is offered by our troop’s leaders, this seminar will be an excellent opportunity to ask questions on the process, and perhaps learn about service project opportunities in the area.

Troop April Campout:

The troop April Campout will be Saturday, April 9th through Sunday April 10th at Mount Monadnock State Park in Jaffrey New Hampshire. We will meet at the parish center at 8AM so that we have sufficient day light for our hiking adventures. We will return for pick up at the parish center by approximately 2 PM on Sunday. Scouts need to bring: a bag lunch for Saturday, and all the items called for on the backpacking checklist on our website.

Mount Monadnock is a great place for mountain climbing, and for more challenging backpacking. Older scouts, particularly those training to qualify for the summer Presidential Range high adventure trip, will backpack an 8-10 mile course that starts from Dublin in the north, and traverses the Pompelly Trail to the summit, before descending to the campsite near the park HQ. The rest of the troop will set up camp, and then tackle the 3165 foot summit directly from the state park HQ. Mount Monadnock is the highest mountain in the area, and rises far above the surrounding countryside, offering commanding views of 3 states.

Scouts will be cooking their meals (dinner and breakfast) patrol style over an open campfire. Patrol meal planning will take place at the March 31st troop meeting. Note that April weather can be surprisingly cold, particularly on the mountain top….so be prepared!

If you son will be attending the campout, please complete the attached permission slip and return no later than the start of the March 31st troop meeting. If you son would like to attend but won’t be at this troop meeting, please call or email Phil Bedard at 508-561-7058 or before March 31 We will need a few parents to drive to/from and/or stay for the event. If you can help out please indicate on the permission slip.

There is a nominal $5 fee per person to offset the cost of the campsite fee. Please make checks payable to Troop 4 and include payment along with your permission slip.

Service Event:

The troop will conduct a service event on Saturday April 16th, from 9AM to noon, at the St.Mary’s cemetery on Rt 85 (across from Plains Park). We will be cleaning trash and downed limbs and branches. Bring work gloves. Wear class B troop shirt if you have one, otherwise, work clothes are fine. The troop will cook up a hot dog lunch at the conclusion. You can drop off and pick up your scout by the Irish Round tower monument. Parents are welcome (buy not required) to participate.

Merit Badges:

Lots of merit badges will be awarded at next week’s Court of Honor. Mr.Sgammato continues to work with several scouts on the Environmental Science badge, and Mrs. Symmes continues to work scouts on the Scholarship Merit Badge. Several scouts are close on the Communications Merit Badge, and just need to complete their 5 minute speech. Other badges are also routinely offered in response to scout requests. As always, contact the appropriate merit badge councilor for the badge that you are interested in.

Personal Fitness Merit Badge:

Mr. Matondi is kicking off a warmer weather round of the Personal Fitness Merit Badge on Saturday March 26th at 9AM at the MHS track. This is an important badge, particularly for those who want to participate on the summer’s high adventure backpacking trip. Please come in warm workout clothes. The outdoor workout intro and workout session should take about 1 to 1.5 hours.

Please call Phil Bedard at 508-561-7058 or email at if you have any questions.

And be sure to frequently visit our great website at

January Camping Trip – 2011

Alex H makes Blackbelt! – 2010

Troop 4 Family Newsletter – June 20, 2010 – Summer Edition

Summer Camps:

 Thanks to all those that have turned in scout camp payments and forms. Any remaining payments should be sent to Deb Laviolette, 7 Paulene Drive, Franklin, MA 02038, as soon as possible. Any remaining health forms should be turned into Brian Weber, 11 Ariel Circle, Milford, MA 01757. Instructions and due dates for all medical forms are available on the troop website. Remember that all attendees of the Maine canoe trips (adults and scouts alike) must turn in health forms per the website’s instructions. Also, all parents volunteering to stay overnight, or who wish to participate with scouts in the swim program, must turn in health forms.

Thank you to all the parents who volunteered to help at Camp Resolute. We have two leaders, Brian Weber and Tom Sgammato, who will be at camp all week, plus many others that have volunteered for days and/or nights so that we have 3 adults at camp at all times. Again – thanks to our adult leaders and parents for their outstanding support.

For those looking a nice set of dowels to hold up the bug nets at camp, please note that the Hastings have purchased a whole bunch in bulk for purchase by troop members at $2 for a set of four. You can pick them up next to his miscellaneous mailbox near the garage, at 23 Lucia Drive Milford. Or see him on the first Sunday of summer camp.

Maine high adventure preparations

Preparations are proceeding at a fast clip.

An outstanding field menu has been planned, to include one-pot favorites, gourmet dutch oven meals, hearty breakfasts, and other great menu items. Based on previous troop experience on these trips, the troop is planning on 3 squares per day, but only minimal snacks. Since snack tastes vary widely, scouts are asked to bring whatever snack foods they like for the trip. The troop recommends that scouts go easy on candy snacks, and heavier on high energy snacks, like nuts, dried fruit, gorp, etc.

For scouts that are gathering their gear, the troop campout packing list is a great place to begin. Specific instructions will follow in the coming weeks for additional items to pack (or not pack). All scouts are required to attend a pre-trip planning meeting on Thursday August 5th at the Parish Center. Scouts will be required to bring all their gear to this meeting, and we will leave/lock this gear at the scout room so that we will be guaranteed ready and prepared when the bus arrives to pick us up on August 14th. At the Aug 5th meeting, older scouts will inventory every item in a scout’s bag to ensure they are prepared. If any critical item is missing, scouts must bring it on the morning of departure. Only fully prepared scouts can depart with the Troop. The August 5th meeting is also an excellent time for parents to ask questions about the upcoming trip. Parents are welcome to come and stay for this entire planning meeting. If a scout is on vacation, and cannot attend the Aug 5th meeting, he must call the Scoutmaster to make arrangements to have his gear inspected at an alternate time.

For those interested in fishing on this adventure trip, a junior fishing license is needed for non-resident ages 12-16 and the cost is $16. For a 7-day non-resident ages 16+ license, the cost will be $43.00. Both of which can be purchased on-line.

Maine canoe trip adult leaders: Each leader should prepare to offer 1 merit badge of their interest. Scouts on our wilderness trips have traditionally earned 2-3 merit badges in the wild. Please email Pat Gallagher at to let him know which badge you intend to teach, so we can avoid duplicates. The troop has many merit badge books in our library, and can obtain more if out of stock. So far adults and leaders have volunteered to teach:

Photography Merit Badge: Mark Hobart
Canoeing Merit Badge: Peter Lanciano
Tracking (aka Stalking) Merit Badge: Phil Bedard
Wilderness Survival Merit Badge: Peter Lanciano and Phil Bedard
Coffee Brewing Merit Badge: Jim Brundrett (Jeff has already registered to be a student in this one)
Knitting and Cross Stitch Merit Badge: Jeff Croteau
Moose Tipping Merit Badge: Pat Gallagher
Bear Wrestling Merit Badge: Tony Bogner
Snipe Hunting Merit Badge: Bruce Hastings
Latrine Science Merit Badge: Stacey Barie
White Water Bodysurfing Merit Badge: Tim Brundrett


Just a heads up for our older scouts that the venture program will be back in force next year. Mr.Hobart has volunteered to work with our ventures (high school age and above) to craft a series of fun and interesting events over the course of the year. Much more info to come at our Ventures-only planning meeting in September.

New Eagle Scout!!

Congratulations to Jim Malnati for becoming the Troop’s most recent Eagle Scout. The troop will celebrate his accomplishments at our fall Court of Honor.

Youth Protection Training:

 Is now mandatory for all registered leaders. The Council is now automatically dropping leaders from our roster that are not trained by the end of the year, and will not admit new leaders without this training. Training only takes about ½ hour and is available via the link on the Knox Trail Council website. Also – for those leaders attending the Maine high adventure, you must also complete Safe Swim Defense, Safety Afloat, and Hazardous Weather Training. These three courses are also available on-line, and take about ½ hour each. Please send all completed training certificates to Stacey Barie at New leaders: note that the council offers new leader training that can bring you up to speed quickly on the BSA program and Troop organization. If interested, check out the Knox Trail website for an upcoming course. All training fees are picked up by the troop.

Please call Phil Bedard at 508-561-7058 or  if you have any questions.

Relay for Life Ceremony and Clean up Crew – MHS Track

Order of the Arrow Weekend

Troop Meeting – May campout permission slips due

Troop 4 Family Newsletter 4/25/2010

New Scouts Troop 4 Enrollment

In addition to our 10 new Webelos cross over scouts, four additional scouts have recently joined. Welcome! We’ll use the opportunity of the next campout in May to help these very new scouts catch up with the others on Tenderfoot advancement.

Medical Training for High Adventure Trip

Reminder to all adults participating in the canoe high adventure trip: Mandatory medical training is scheduled for the parish center on Saturday May 1st. Please refer any questions to Stacey Barie at

May Camping Trip

The May trip will be Saturday, May 22nd and 23rd at the Troop campsite in Milford. We will meet at the parish center on Saturday morning at 9:30 AM. We will return for pick up at the parish center by 12:00 PM on Sunday. Scouts need to bring a bag lunch and the items listed on the Troop 4 camping equipment list. The list is available on our website.

This local campout at our secluded Troop campsite is very convenient for scouts that have sports games to attend. Scouts can check out to attend their game, and then return after it is over. Be sure to indicate on your permission slip if you arriving late, or need to leave for a period, in order to attend a game.

First year scouts are strongly encouraged to attend this campout, as we’ll cover many important Tenderfoot and outdoorsman related requirements, including safe knife, axe and saw use. This campout will have a pioneering theme where scouts will master use of pioneering equipment, and participate in pioneering projects, many of which will count toward the Pioneering Merit Badge. The troop poker table will also be brought along for a late night Venture Scout poker tournament.

We will be cooking patrol style over open wood fires for dinner and breakfast. Scout patrols will create their own menus and duty rosters at the May 13th troop meeting. Dutch ovens and dutch oven recipes will be available for scouts that have interest in this pioneering cooking technique. Scouts need to bring a bag lunch for Saturday.

In addition to pioneering, the troop will also cover other advancement requirements, hold several games and contests, and will conduct an exciting Troop campfire with (finally) new skit material. Prizes will be awarded for the best patrol skit, song and stand-up comedy act.

If your son will be attending this campout, please complete the permission slip and return it to the Troop Scribe at the May 13th troop meeting (earlier is preferred). If your son would like to attend but won’t be at the May 13th troop meeting, please call or email Phil Bedard at 508-561-7058 or We may need a few parents to drive to/from and/or stay for the event. If you can help out please indicate on the permission slip. Note that the troop’s Milford campsite has very limited parking, so adults that plan to attend are encouraged to carpool.

Order of the Arrow

For those scouts recently elected to the Order of the Arrow, the Council OA Lodge has recently announced dates for the Ordeal, which is the mandatory service weekend where you will be inducted into the Brotherhood. You have the option to attend either the weekend of May 14-16, or the scheduled weekend in September. Check out the council mailing you received, or the lodge website for more detail, and register on-line for the weekend of your choice.

Summer Camp – Resolute

Thanks to those who turned in their payments to receive the early bird discount.  First year scouts can still receive the discount.  Our website’s summer camp section has all camp dates, deadlines and details.  We currently have 18 scouts registered for camp, and expect 5-10 additional first year scouts to attend.  This will be our biggest camp enrollment in several years.  We’ve received several questions already this year on the camp’s stringent medical form requirements.  Please download the form packet  and read the instructions and checklist carefully.   The camp is very particular about the forms used, and how they are completed.  Note that they will not accept the standard medical forms that many doctor’s offices provide.  You may transcribe the medical data from the doctor’s form to the BSA form, but the doctor’s signature must be on the BSA form. 

Troop T-Shirts

The Troop is assessing demand for our famous lime green Troop T-shirts (aka Class B shirt). If interested in purchasing a shirt this summer for $10, please send a note to Phil Bedard and indicate shirt size and quantity (Youth M, L, Adult S, M, L, XL, XXL). These shirts are great for scouts, parents, and siblings. When sufficient demand is logged, the troop graphic designer will work his magic into a new order of these signature shirts.  No payment required at this time.

Relay for Life – Staff Crew

The Troop has received a long list of scout volunteers to help out as cleanup staff at the Milford relay for life on Friday May 7 from 6pm to 11pm. We may fire up some late night snacks on the troop grill, however, scouts should eat dinner before arriving. All scouts will receive service time credit.   Please come in Class A uniform, and bring a T-shirt (a troop t-shirt if you have one) to change into after the opening ceremony.

Gilligan’s Island Trip – Early Notice

Just sit right back and you’ll hear a tale, a tale of a fateful trip. Well, maybe not as fateful as it was for Skipper, Gilligan and their friends. We’ll be better prepared, and it’s doubtful we’ll run into any head hunters. The troop is planning a 2 night June 25-27 campout to Washburn Island, in Cape Cod’s Waquiot Bay in Falmouth, MA. We will be salt water canoeing and kayaking to our Troop campsite to a pristine island with our own private powder sand beach. Washburn Island is a natural wonder. It is located in the Waquiot Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, and is surrounded by rare beds of sea grass, salt ponds, and shallow sandy flats great for canoeing and kayaking, and is a great spot to see all sorts of critters like crabs, fish, clams, sea birds and maybe even a seal. This early notice is being given to assess the strength of the Troop fleet. To make the trip more affordable, we are exploring whether or not we have enough boats to avoid rentals. Please email Phil Bedard if you have a canoe or kayak that you would be willing to let the Troop borrow for the weekend. Please indicate the type of boat, the number of passengers it can safely hold, and the number of personal flotation devices you can include. Please respond by May 10th. You need not transport the boat to the Cape. Boats will be carried in the troop’s trailer. More details on this trip will be provided in the May troop newsletter.

Memorial Day Parade

The parade will be held Monday, May 31. This is the only parade that the troop attends each year. Scouts will once again meet in the Stop and Shop parking lot near the 99 Restaurant in the morning in full uniform. Exact time to be announced soon.  Scouts may be picked up at Draper Park at Noon. Please notify Phil Bedard if your scout plans to attend. It’s important for the Troop to have a good showing at this important event.

Policy Reminders

Scouts are NOT allowed to leave the premises (e.g., walks to the nearby convenience store) during troop meetings. Scouts are also reminded that fixed blade knives are not allowed at any troop events, except by specially trained and leadership-approved Life Scouts.

Advance Procedure for Campouts at the Troop Campsite

Advance Procedure for Campouts at the Troop Campsite

About a week before, call the business numbers for the Milford police and fire. Police 508-473-1113 ask for the dispatcher and give them the date/time of the event. For Fire department, give the info to the guy who answers the phone at 508-473-1215; date and times, plus that we will have several small cooking fires in pits with the appropriate water, clearance around the pits, etc. Remind our Chartered Org Representative about a week before the event to let St. Mary’s know of our plans. You should also let police and fire know that you are the scoutmaster and give them your cell phone number.

Maine Canoe Trip Medical Training – Session 2, at parish center

Maine Canoe Trip Medical Training – Session 1, at parish center

Troop Meeting (Camp Resolute fee due for new scouts)

Troop Meeting (Camp Resolute fee due – except new scouts)

Troop Meeting (April campout perm slip due)

Troop 4 Family Newsletter 3/22/2010

New Scouts

New Scouts are progressing along through their advancement to Tenderfoot. Scouts recently took their initial Tenderfoot fitness test, and are expected to log regular workouts for a 30day period. At the conclusion, they will turn in their logs, and take a final fitness test to show improvement. This is one of the few advancement requirements that we do not cover at troop meetings. Scouts must do their exercises at home. Please encourage your scout to make steady documented progress on this requirement. There is one additional “at-home” requirement for new scouts, which is to read the parent/scout exercise pamphlet in the front of their new scout handbook. Please email Phil Bedard when you’ve completed this pamphlet.

Medical Training for High Adventure trip:

All adults attending the Maine canoe high adventure trip are required to take one medical training course; either First Aid or CPR, at the Parish Center on Saturday May 1st. CPR will run from 9AM-12, and First Aid from 1230-330. These are excellent training courses run by a professional. We would like an even mix on both courses. Adults attending the Maine trip need to contact Stacey Barie at by April 1, to confirm attendance and to select their desired time slot. We’ll do our best to accommodate requests, so long as we get a relatively even distribution between the two. We are advertising compliance to this medical training plan in our tour permit request, so it’s important that all attend. There is no additional charge for the training, as it has been budgeted into the cost of the trip. Please direct questions to Stacey.

April Backpacking Trip

The trip will be Saturday, April 10th and 11th along the Tully Trail in Royalston, MA. We will meet at the parish center on Saturday morning at 8:30 AM. We will return for pick up at the parish center by 3:00 PM on Sunday. Scouts need to bring a bag lunch and the items listed on the Troop 4 backpacking equipment list. The list is available on our website. Remember to pack warm. April nights can still be cold.

The area around the Tully Trail is known for its scenic views, including Royalston Falls, the highest Massachusetts waterfall east of the CT River. We will be camping along the river about a mile upstream from the falls, in a remote area that includes an Adirondack shelter, and plenty of room for tent camping. Scouts will be broken down into ability groups so that everyone can hike to the campsite at a comfortable pace. Once we establish camp, we’ll take side hikes to nearby sites, including the waterfall, a beaver pond, and a natural stone bridge.

Since this will be the first camping trip for many of our new scouts, we will be doing a lot of preparation and training at our upcoming meetings. For food, scouts need to bring a bag lunch for Saturday, and will be cooking patrol-style on backpacking stoves for dinner and breakfast. We’ll make a fast food stop for lunch on the way home on Sunday. Scouts will plan their patrol meals at the next troop meeting. At the following regular troop meeting on April 8th (April 1st is not a regular meeting as it is our swim night), all scouts that plan to attend this trip should bring their backpack fully packed as if they were ready to go. Older scouts (veterans of the Colorado and Mt. Washington alpine adventure teams) will work with each patrol to perform a “shakedown” of each backpack to ensure scouts have all that they need for the trip, but no more. This will ensure that packs are light enough to allow an enjoyable trip, and that scouts have the required gear. For new scouts that have not yet had an opportunity to purchase a backpack, we have one or two Troop packs that you can borrow for the event. Contact Phil Bedard.

If you son will be attending the backpacking trip, please complete the permission slip and return it to the Troop Scribe at the March 25th troop meeting. All first year crossover scouts are strongly encouraged to attend as this is a great introduction to backcountry camping. If your son would like to attend but won’t be at the March 25th troop meeting, please call or email Phil Bedard at 508-561-7058 or We will need a few parents to drive to/from and/or stay for the event. If you can help out please indicate on the permission slip.

Troop Swim Night

Please note that the April 1st troop meeting will be held at the Milford high school pool as the troop conducts our spring swim night. Meeting drop-off and pick-up is the same as a normal troop meeting. New scouts will have an opportunity to try their hand at the BSA Swim Test. This is good practice for the test given at summer camp. Scouts can also knock off some 2nd and 1st Class water related requirements. Pool games, belly flops, and pizza/soda will round out the night. There is no cost for this event, but it’s important to arrive on time, as the pool folks will attempt to collect a fee from all those that arrive after we’ve started.

Spring Order of the Arrow Ordeal

We apologize to our recently elected OA candidates on the lack of information for the Spring Ordeal. We have contacted the Council’s OA Lodge, and as of this date, they have not decided on a weekend for the Spring Ordeal. The event will likely be some time in May. The troop will continue to check status with the lodge, and will contact newly elected candidates as soon as information is available.

Eagle Project Service Opportunity

Life Scout Spencer C. has advised the troop that he will be holding an Eagle Service Project work party at the Milford Upper Charles Bike Trail, at the trail head across from Sacred Heart Church. Work will take place near the kiosk that he is constructing just a short distance down the trail from the road. The event is from 9AM to 330PM on Saturday March 27th. Spencer will be sending out an email with more details, and instructions if you are interested. Time assisting Spencer will count toward advancement service hour requirements.

Camping Trek Plan

Congratulations to Wyatt B. for winning the recent trek plan contest. Wyatt crafted an excellent plan that was used for our recent March hiking trip. Scouts interested in completing this camping merit badge requirement can draft a trek plan for any future Troop camping trip. Scouts should see the SM or an Assistant Scoutmaster when they are ready to knock off this requirement. Reference the camping merit badge booklet for required trek plan content. We will post Wyatt’s trek plan to the scout room bulletin board as an outstanding example.

District Pine Wood Derby – Help Needed

The troop is looking for a couple scout volunteers to help out at the District Pine Wood Derby to be held on Saturday April 10th from 9am to 1pm at the Milford Youth Center. Volunteer’s can also cheer on two of Troop 4’s new crossover scouts (Evan and Tyler), who have qualified for this competitive district race. Please note that this is the same day as the troop backpacking trip. If interested, please notify Phil Bedard at the next troop meeting. Volunteering for this effort qualifies as service time toward advancement.

Maine 50 Miler Canoe Trip:

Thanks to those who recently turned in their canoe trip deposits. As a result, we’ve secured our reservation with the outfitter. Planning will continue over the next few months. See med form comments below.

Camp Resolute Update and Fee Reminder:

Please note that the Camp Resolute fee for all scouts planning to attend (other than new scouts) is due April 15th. First year scouts have until May 27th. Updated medical instructions and forms have recently been posted to this website. You must use these forms. Please schedule your medical appointments as soon as possible to meet the med form deadlines. The same medical form requirements apply to those attending the Maine canoe trip. If you are attending both camps, you only need to turn in one set of forms. For new scouts, please note that the summer camp med forms are in addition to the Class 1 simple med form that you recently turned into the troop. See the summer camp information on our website for more detailed information.

Please call the Phil Bedard at 508-561-7058 or email at if you have any questions.